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Speaking at Anti-Bill 14 Rally at Marois' office

Full CTV video,CBC and CTV interviews and press coverage


"A chance to do something, not just complain!"




A rights response to language laws

En débat avec Mario Beaulieu (SSJB) sur l`émission Denis Levesque LCN


Institute advocacy results in major Revenue Quebec reforms

Journal de Montréal:
Revenu Québec renonce aux cotisations «choc»
Finance Minister and Director-General act after abuses brought to light

Queen's Jubilee Medal

Awarded for
community service

1500 model UN participants hear message of challenge and responsibility

Métropolitain publisher keynotes McGill Conference largest after Harvard and Penn State

The Payette Plan

A community protected,
a battle won,
a campaign continued

Reprenons la rue

Taking back the street

Résister aux comparaisons

Paul Gérin-Lajoie
Un révolutionnaire tranquille

13,000 Montrealers salute Israel

Hosting the Israel Independence Day Rally

Amal's Story

"All I want to know is why?"

On Language

Optics and politics

City's Iran protests continue

Kilgour,Wajsman speak to coalition

Helping Sun Youth's Haitian Relief

Diplomats and activists rally

The Canwest Bid

Going for the Gazette


Daring to care

The Arrogance of Authority

The Bela Kosoian Affair

"Arrogants, vulgaires et disgracieux!"

Citizens fed up with green onions and parking rules

Local and national recognition

The Suburban and Editor receive writing honours

Wajsman for Mayor?

A helluva reaction for April Fool`s

Community coalition demands change

Mayor finally agrees to open discussions

Broken Promises

How we lied to Ala Morales and to ourselves


Justice done

Causing a stir

Libs, Tories & BPW

Martin Luther King, Jr. Legacy Award Ceremony at City Hall

BPW receives award for promoting human dignity

The Teaching of Contempt

Gemma Raeburn and the Montreal Police

"Cassandra's Lilacs"- The "Gentle the condition" Concert

The Garceau Foundation and the Institute for Public Affairs present the "Gentle the Condition" concert

"Human Dignity Rally"

Ottawa rally for rights in China an inspiring success

The "Salubrious" persecution of Citizen "M"

Your home is not your castle and you need to know why

Dietrich Freed!

A Senior and the System

A Healthy Corrective to Self-Censorship

National Post's
Barbara Kay on
"The Métropolitain"

Marchildons Win!

RAMQ approves US surgery

Itzhayek Home!

"Sorry just doesn't cut it!"

Advocacy matters!

It makes a difference

Answered Prayers

Battling hunger

Gentle the condition

A just society where co-operation is valued as much as competition and where compassion always triumphs over contempt

Ahead of the curve

Unanswered questions on Gomery bias

Tax Revolt!

If they can do this to us, they can do this to anyone

"We are not satisfied!"

Darfur:The Montreal Conference

The Conrad Black Verdict

Why we all need to care about the politics of justice

The Suburban's
New Editor

Beryl Wajsman

On The Slippery Slope to Thought Control

Quebec's Press Council Decisions

The Pressure at the Pumps

This Time it's the Greed not the Greens

Montreal's Meter War

The Brewing Urban Tax Revolts

Communities of Conscience: The Budapest Wallenberg Memorial Project

Support from the Anglican Church of Canada

The Tale of Two Nazanins

A Victory for Valor

From the Klan to Tehran

Baker, Carter, Duke & the New Cliveden Mindset

The Peter March Concordia Lecture

Islam and Democracy
The Urgency of Reforming State Faith

Therefore Choose Courage

Lest We Forget
Canadians of Conscience

Religious Profiling

Quebec Style

10th Institute Policy Conference

Questions of Values
Ways of Response to the Islamist Challenge

The Problem with Liberalism

It's The Statism Stupid

Quebec and A Question of Values

The Montreal Rally for "Peace"

A Nation
Under Suspicion

Time to Stop the Tyranny of the Mindless

Chantal Beaubien

An Institute Intern Hits the Front Lines

The CUPE Boycott of Israel

Echoes of Darker Evils

Memory and Witness

The EMSB, the Institute and the Palatucci Facility

The Scarlet Lettering of Christopher Statham

Foreign Law and
Free Press

The Freedom to Choose: Always the Right Side of History

The Problem with Total Smoking Bans

9th Institute Policy Conference

United Nations Office for Project Services and the New Realities of the Middle East

The Moslem Riots

Why We Owe Them Nothing

Boycotting Israel

The Hypocrisies of
Petty Narcissms

A Judge's Hanging

The Lynching of
Andrée Ruffo

Power Play

Big Oil, Big Government, Big Fraud

Days of Drums

Times of Treason

The "Responsibility to Protect"

The U.N. Is Not Responsible and Canada Does Not Protect

A Time to Strive and Not To Yield

BPW in the Media on Liberals,Lapierre and Leadership

A Political Mugging

The Politics of
Canada's Nixon

Julius Grey Attacks the New Prohibitionists

Loi 112
Excessif et Paternaliste!

New Orleans
Crisis and Challenge

A Human Triumph of the Power of One

Sharia Justice

Veiled Freedom

The Money Gap

Andy Stern, Alan Greenspan and the Emerging Clash Over Economic Class

Hey State! Stay Out of Our Fate

The Travesty of the Hotel Godin Affair

It Can Happen Here

If You Don't
Stand for Something
You'll Fall for Anything

Just as Many
Just as Mad

A Citizen's Advice to the Ethics Commissioner

"Nothing Illegal" Says Counsel for

A Top Ten List of
Gomery Hypocrisy

After Chaoulli: Still In Critical Condition

The Health-Care Crisis and the
Crutch of the Courts

Justice for the
Rev. Darryl Gray

Stand Up In Solidarity

Dare To Call It Treason

The Corbeil Allegations and the Oligarchy of Canadian Politics

Hope Conquers Dismay

Jake Eberts Brings Gandhi's Message of Non-Violence to the
Middle East

To Spend Oneself in a Worthy Cause

The Arena of Dust and Sweat and Blood

Revenue Quebec

Time For the
Geese to Hiss

The Gomery Deception

Complicity in the Corridors of Consequence

Never To Mirror What We Seek To Destroy

Pre-Emptive Intelligence Not Preventive Controls

It's Time to Fix It

The World's Meeting Place for Human Rights Leadership

Mandatory Backfire

The Quality of
Justice Strained

Illiberal Justice

Low Limitation and
Narrow Circumstance

Hey Canada!

Can You Handle
the Truth?

Unity and Community

A Program for a True Alliance for Progress


A Pharoah Who Knew Not Joseph

Daring To Care

The Imperative of Redemptive Rage

A Modern Blood Libel

The Mohammed al-Durra Cover-Up

Voir la souffrance et tenter de la guérir

Les citoyens répondent à la crise des enfants malades

The Marriage Reference

Illiberal Democracy

A Catalyst for Conscience

Canada, The U.N. and the China Trade

The Arrogance of the Asian Tiger

When Will
Enough Be Enough?

Big Brother-
Canadian Style

Too Much Law
Too Little Justice

Globalization's Victims

Let's Label the Exploiters

Dangerous Inmates

Elmasry, Kathrada and the Plague of
Illegitimate Orthodoxy

Organized Labour and Charest's Third Way

The Danger of the Gaspesia Gambit

The Challenge of a National Stirring

The Populist Vision of a New Political Plurality

A Nation Adrift
The Chicoutimi Disaster

The Tragedy of
Unfulfilled Promise
and Undefined Purpose

Concordia's Capitulation

The Paralysis of Reason

Ours Is To Reason Why

Repairing the Chaos of Canada's Military Policies

Doesn't Anyone Get Angry Anymore?

Our Ambivalence to the Insolence of Authority

A Reminder of Our Nation's Pride and Purpose

A Day Aboard the
HMCS Montreal

The Bank Emperors Aren't Wearing Any Clothes

Straight Talk On
Bank Mergers

On Public Revenues and Private Rights

An Examination of the Tolerance of the Governed

Barbarians Within Our Gates

The CRTC and the Intellectual Incoherence of Statist Faith

With One Voice

For The
Devastated of Darfour

"Know Your Rights-Just Say No"

Conference on Seniors Rights Co-sponsored by the Institute

Five Pillars of Purpose

Priorities for Planning in Defense and Security Policy

The Council for Community Conciliation: An Institute Initiative on Hate Crime

A Challenge to the Courage of our Convictions and the Content of our Character

The Whistleblower and Our Leviathan of Oligarchy

A Proposal for
Legislative Action

BPW's Closing Address to the 20th CDA Congress on Foreign Affairs & Defence Policies

"Canada's Hope":A Nation Standing Tall With A Leadership That
Stands Up

The Neglect of the Elderly "Not Yet the Best to Be"

A Visible Minority Besieged

5th Institute Policy Conference: An Evening with Irshad Manji

Opening Event of the Institute's Centre for Democratic Development

Democracy Without Borders

The Institute's Centre for Democratic Development

Habitations Louis-Laberge

2500 Social Housing Units for Montreal

To Afflict the Comfortable and Comfort the Afflicted

The Challenge of Hunger in a Free Society

Opening Address to the 4th Institute Policy Conference

"Pourquoi Israël?
Why Israel?"

Report on the 3rd Institute Policy Conference: James Woolsey on

Security & Trade in the post-Iraq Era

"A Matter of Honor"

Address to the 3rd Policy Conference of the Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal

The Signature of a Society: A Canadian Manifesto

A Populist Agenda for the 21st Century

Remarks by The Honourable Gar Knutson, Secretary of State for Central & Eastern Europe and the Middle East

An Historic Speech of Truth Unbridled by Timidity during the House Debate on Iraq

"Israel Assassin, Schecter Complice!": Prof.Stephen Schecter and UQAM

Moral Relativism, Anti-Semitism & The Shame of Immoral Intellectual License

Aspects of Attack

An Agenda for
Alliances and Action

The Housing Crisis:An Historic Accord

The Start of a Solution

The Politics of Immigration

Approaches for Ministerial Intervention

Canada's Courage

A Statement of the Spirit of the Nation

Israel Myths & Facts

A Checklist for Media Accuracy

The Soldiers of Israel: The Frontline Defenders of the West

Redemptive Acts of Courage and Conscience

Financement et Flexibilité

La Gouvernement du Canada et les Programmes Destinés aux Organismes Communautaires, Culturels et Sociaux


If This is a Free Society Why Are We Hounding Juliet O'Neill
Lawrence Martin
Jihadists Don't Care About Logic
George Jonas
How to Win a War: The Ethiopian Example
Jack Kelly
Ontario's Whiff of Totalitarianism
Robert Fulford
A Determined Harper Flexes His Foreign Affairs Muscles
Barbara Yaffe
What next? Anti-harassment training in the crib?
Ian A. Hunter
Be Careful What You Wish For
John O'Sullivan
Israel Will Do Whatever It Takes
Douglas Davis
Leadership at Last
John C. Crosbie
Human Rights Carry a Price for Canada
Lorne Gunter
Don't Share a Table With the Taliban
Lauryn Oates
Dealing Decisively With the enemy
Frank Gaffney,Jr.
War? What war?
Andrew C. McCarthy
What the Crime Stats Don't Tell You
Dan Gardner
Canada and Kandahar
Beryl P. Wajsman
The Stuff of Leadership
Beryl P. Wajsman
The Secret Mulroney Tapes: A Quick Job for a Quick Buck
John C. Crosbie
A Victory for Multiculturalism over Common Sense
Mark Steyn
Bravo M. Bush!
Jacques Brassard
Europe-Thy Name is Cowardice
Mathias Daepfner
The Price of Justice
Me. Julius Grey
Don't Let Deals Devour Democracy
Thomas S. Axworthy
A Country Going To Pieces
Michael Bliss
Robbery, Québec Style
Prof.Pierre Lemieux
"It's about Barbarism and Civilization"
The Brigitte Gabriel Lecture at Duke University

Le Coran plutôt que la Charte des droits?
Élaine Audet
"Unions = Justice"
Janet Bagnall
The Delusions and Denials of the Left: A Study in Contradiction and Incoherence
Janet Daley
Radical Relativism and the War in Iraq
Elizabeth Nickson
Crise Irakienne: Ces Pacifistes Contre la Paix
Prof.Jean-Charles Chebat
Chaire de commerce Omer DeSerres- HEC Montréal
Vice-président de l'Académie des Sciences du Canada
Sen.Daniel Patrick Moynihan: A Mind of One Piece, A Man for our Time
Beryl P. Wajsmann
UN Lets Tinpot Dictators Rule The World
Janet Daley
Signature of a Society:Jack,Paul,Sheila and the Wajsman Manifesto
Jim Duff
Le fascisme de gauche à l'UQAM et ailleurs
Prof.Stephen Schecter
"The legislature can't reform it, the lawmakers won't repeal it and I won't stand for it.":The Commutation of Death Penalties In Illinois-The Complete Text
Gov.George H. Ryan
The Death Penalty:A Continuing Blight on the Rights of Man
Washington Post Editorial
Bishops Can't Bring Peace on Earth:Religious Leaders Have No Monopoly On Good
Mary Riddell
La nouvelle panoplie du terrorisme:Une analyse
Jacques Isnard
Orwellian Prophecy and Our Time:The Compromise of Human Spirit and the Enforcement of Conformity
Prof.Julius Grey
War is the Only Option:We Must Stop Saddam's Killing Machine
Elie Wiesel
La présomption d'innocence:La police et les conférences de presse
Yves Boisvert
A Who's Who at Institute Conference
Linda Massarella
A Citizens Agenda of Better Banks--Not a Corporate Agenda of Bigger Banks
Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition
The Crime of Punishment: Why the Innocent Confess
Michael Kinsley
Outrepassons les partis politiques:Besoin collectif d'un but
Jean David
A Brutal Loss of Innocence: The Trauma of Terror
Andrew Mills
Un nationalisme déplorable:Le rapport Romanow--le champ de bataille
Me.Julius Grey


America's Moralpolitik

George Jonas

Civil Liberties are Timeless

Lorne Gunter

The Education of Robert Kennedy

David Brooks

Conrad Black Is Innocent

Ian A. Hunter

Time for a Fair Deal for Low-income Canadians

David Pecaut and Susan Pigott

Our World: The Longest-Running Big Lie

Caroline Glick

Feasting on Pessimism

George Jonas

The Hopeful Lies We Tell Ourselves

Robert Fulford

Statism Isn't Liberalism

George Jonas

Oriana Fallaci
A Life Well Lived

Appreciations from George Jonas, Daniel Pipes and
Robert Spencer

A Letter of Apology

Lt.Gen.(ret.)Charles Pitman,USMC

Why Canada Needs a Submarine Fleet

Richard H. Gimblett,CD,Ph.D.

Canada in the World: The Restoration of our National Pride and Purpose

Beryl P. Wajsman

Faits Saillants Historiques sur le Conflit du Proche Orient

Institut des Affaires Publiques

Recent Israeli Economic, Technological & Medical Quick Facts

Institute for Public Affairs

A Conversation with James Woolsey: Reflections from the former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

James Duff

Vers la "Prosperité Durable": La Necessité de Conscience

l'Hon. Pierre S. Pettigrew

Jobless and Hopeless: The Real Story Behind the Unemployment Rate

Monica Davey with David Leonhardt

The Pulp Fiction of the Peaceniks:Three Myths Ripe for Debunking

Michael Gove

Daniel Patrick Moynihan: Dean of the Senate, Conscience of the Nation

Adam Clymer

Luc Ferry: Une Condemnation de la Banalisation des Injures Racistes, Antisémites, et Antisionistes

Le Monde

Time to Walk the Walk: Canada's Faith in Multilateralism Must be Defended---By Force if Necessary

Prof.Michael Ignatieff

Montreal Professor Subjected to Anti-Semitism on Campus

Mike Cohen

"Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism"

Rev.Martin Luther King, Jr.

Luck and the Death Penalty

Arthur Miller

Jack Jones:The Last Trade Union Hero-The Plight of the Poor and the Luck of the Middle Classes

Andrew Gimson

Institute for Public Affairs:

A Pledge of Principles

La Crise des Urgences:

Document présenté au Ministre de la Santé et des Services Sociaux par l'Association des medecins Specialistes en medecines d'Urgence(ASMUQ),Le Regroupement des Medecins D'Urgence du Quebec(ReMUQ)et l'Association de medecins d'urgence du Quebec (AMUQ)

Papiers du Prof. Annette Paquot

1.Peur de la vérité?
2.Réaffirmer notre solidarité avec le peuple Juif et l'État d'Israël
3.Message au Recteur de l'Université du Québec à Montréal
4.Message au Président du Conseil d`àdministration de l`Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI)
5.Réaction à l'attentat terroriste à l'Université hébraïque de Jérusalem

Justice, Justice Shalt Thou Pursue: The Philosopher of Rational Liberalism

The Rigorous Compassion of John Rawls

Mid-East Backgrounder #11

1.Galloping Anti-Semitism, Washington Post Editorial
2.Israel in the Cross Hairs, Douglas Davis, The Spectator
3.The Osirak Option, Nicholas D. Kristof,The New York Times
4.Moral Jutsification for Going To War, Bishop Pierre W. Whalon,International Herald Tribune
Institute Staff Compilation

Imperatives of Assault: The Doctrinal Case in International Law for Armed Reprisals on Iraq

Institute Executive Report

The Art of War: An Illustrated Version Compiled by the Staff of the Institute

Sun Tzu


Canadian Committee on Labour History
Canadian Labour Congress
Canadian Social Progress
European Trade Union Institute
Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
International Institute of Social History
International Labour Organization
Le Fonds de solidarité FTQ
National Committee for Labor Israel
Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD
Walter P. Ruether Library

Access to Justice Network
American Civil Liberties Union
Amnesty International
Association in Defence of the Wrongfully Convicted
Canadian Banking Ombudsman
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Canadian Civil Liberties Association
Canadian Coalition Against the Death Penalty
Canadian Human Rights Commission
Canadian Taxpayers Federation
Center for Wrongful Convictions:Northwestern Law School
Charte des droits et libertés de la personne du Québec
Freedom From Want:The Four Freedoms Program
Freedom of Information Coalition
Human Rights Appeal of the Liberal International:The Ottawa Declaration 1987
Human Rights Watch
International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights
International Covenant on Ecomomic, Social & Cultural Rights
John Howard Society of Canada
L'aide juridique du Québec
Le Protecteur du Citoyen
Legal Aid:Access to Justice
Privacy Commissioner of Canada
Southern Poverty Law Center
Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Economic & Social Policy
Association des CLSC et des CHSLD du Québec
C.D.Howe Institute
Caledon Institute of Social Policy
Canadian Association of Retired Persons
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition:Bank Accountability
Canadian Health Coalition
Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel
Centre for Equality Rights in Accomodation
Centre for Social Justice:Advocacy for the Poor
Coalition des Aînées et Aînés du Québec
Coalition of Physicians for Social Justice
Community Action on Poverty
CorpWatch:Holding Corporations Accountable
Drug Reform Co-ordinating Network
Economic Policy Institute
Ethics and Public Policy Center
Institute for Research on Public Policy
Maurice Falk Institute for Economic Research in Israel
National Anti-Poverty Organization
Russell Sage Foundation
Schneider Institute for Health Policy
Seniors Advocacy
Seniors Policies and Programs Database
Social Science Research Council

Foreign & Military Affairs
Belfer Center for International Affairs
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Center for Applied Studies in International Negotiations
Center for Strategic & International Studies
Central Intelligence Agency
Council on Foreign Relations
International Institute for Strategic Studies
Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies
Jane's Intelligence Review
National Security Agency
Nuremberg Principles
Royal Institute of International Affairs
Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies
United Nations Watch
Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Think Tanks
Brookings Institution
Center for National Policy
Hudson Institute
National Policy Association
Rand Institute

Outrepassons les partis politiques:Besoin collectif d'un but

Jean David

La Presse/Montréal


Tout le monde s'entend sur le fait que notre société est propulsée dans une dynamique de changement sans commune mesure dans l'histoire de l'humanité. Ces changements ne sont plus seulement d'ordre technologique, mais touchent directement les individus, les relations entre les groupes, les citoyens et l'organisation de notre société.

Dans bien des cas, ce qui était normal hier ne fait plus de sens aujourd'hui et ne survivra pas à demain. C'est ce qui est en train de se passer avec nos partis politiques. Ils ne tiennent plus la route et sont en situation imminente de dérapage incontrôlé. Ce qui est troublant ici, c'est que ces institutions sont au coeur de notre système démocratique. Il y a un réel danger pour nous tous, d'où l'obligation d'intervenir rapidement afin d'éviter un misérable retournement de situation.

Besoin collectif d'un but

Les Québécois, par leur spécificité culturelle, ont besoin collectivement d'un but, d'un objectif, d'un plan de match autour duquel ils peuvent se regrouper, s'identifier, s'affirmer et s'exprimer. Cet objectif est plus important que le chef politique qui le propose, ces chefs qui consacrent souvent beaucoup plus d'énergie à composer avec leurs machines partisanes qu'avec les destinées du Québec.

Nous tournons en rond, propulsés par nos sociétés d'État, par le sacro-saint modèle québécois: on navigue en eaux troubles. Nous sommes une collectivité de salles d'urgence qui fait du surplace dans un immense glissement de terrain socioculturel, au grand bonheur de chefs de nouvelles avides de sensations fortes qui ont pour mission de doper les téléspectateurs à l'anxiété.

Il est impératif, à ce moment-ci, de se donner les moyens de mettre en oeuvre une réflexion à la mesure de nos ambitions, au-delà des partis politiques. A contrario de ces derniers, un important segment de la population a pris conscience que le monde a changé, qu'il n'est plus ce qu'il était il y a 20, 10 et même deux ans. Il faut surtout se rendre compte que notre environnement va changer encore plus dans les 10 prochaines années. La plus grande richesse naturelle du Québec, ce sont les Québécoises et les Québécois; c'est là la seule donnée à la fois stable et fondamentale de notre société.

Les vraies conditions gagnantes dont le Québec a besoin sont celles où chaque citoyen aura la chance d'exprimer son individualité, ses talents et de prendre sa place et ses responsabilités dans notre société. La vraie souveraineté, c'est celle de chaque individu. Réinventer le Québec n'est surtout pas l'affaire d'un seul parti politique, c'est le devoir de tous les Québécois, au-delà des slogans pour mousser les ventes.

Dans ce grand exercice, on doit faire preuve d'imagination et se mettre à l'abri du «prêt-à-penser» téléguidé par des intérêts électoraux à court terme, donc à courte vue. Bien au contraire, nous devons prendre le temps de nous demander, entre nous, ce que nous souhaitons pour nous-mêmes et pour nos enfants.
Utilisons l'effervescence préélectorale et canalisons les énergies du changement dans un brainstorming national sur notre avenir. Faisons donc parler les Québécois hors des agendas partisans et intéressés. Parlons-nous maintenant de notre vision, comment voyons-nous le Québec dans 10-15 ans? Mettons en place une opération inédite de consultation populaire sur l'avenir du Québec.

Mettons à contribution les médias, la société civile et tous les secteurs d'activité. Gagnons le support et la collaboration des institutions et des employeurs sur tout le territoire du Québec. Prenons le temps de questionner et d'écouter les citoyens; invitons-les à s'exprimer!

Une démarche en quatre volets

La démarche proposée couvrirait quatre volets:

- LA DÉCOUVERTE. Découvrir ce qui marche au Québec: les réussites, les «success stories», le «best of». Le but: valoriser et apprécier ce qui fonctionne plutôt que de mettre l'accent sur ce qui ne marche pas, sur les problèmes, comme c'est trop souvent le cas. Du même souffle, envoyons un signal fort et positif qui va dans le sens de valoriser notre identité. Qui dit identité, dit système de valeurs. Identifions les valeurs que nous privilégions.

- LE DÉSIR. Quels sont les désirs profonds des Québécois? À quoi rêvent-ils? Dans quel genre de société aimeraient-ils vivre? À quel genre de monde voudraient-ils appartenir? Dans quel genre de société aimeraient-ils que leurs enfants vivent? On se remue les méninges tout le monde et l'on imagine la situation idéale. Nous sommes à l'étape de «qu'est-ce que ça pourrait être?»

- LE DESIGN. À partir des histoires à succès qui sont le ferment et les semences de ce que pourrait devenir la société, comment peut-on faire des plans? Comment pouvons-nous dialoguer sur ce qui «devrait être«?

- LE DESTIN. Nous prenons notre destin en main et nous identifions des actions concrètes à entreprendre dans tous les secteurs. Arrive l'heure des engagements et de la responsabilisation. Nous mettons en oeuvre un plan d'action. Ce n'est pas l'affaire du gouvernement, c'est l'affaire de chaque citoyen. Qu'est-ce que chacun peut faire aujourd'hui et demain dans les limites de ses ressources?

Quand nous cherchons autour de nous ce qu'il y a de meilleur dans les systèmes humains, les qualités positives non seulement ressortent, mais elles ont tendance à se multiplier. Prenons le temps de faire remonter à la surface les bonnes nouvelles, les forces, les réalisations, les opportunités, les visions et les innovations. Ce n'est pas une façon d'éviter la réalité, mais bien une façon de l'améliorer.

Je crois sincèrement que nous avons une occasion unique de faire valoir et de développer nos talents et notre savoir-faire. Donnons-nous une valeur ajoutée, donnons-nous le droit d'être créatifs et d'innover dans notre quotidien, dans nos institutions, dans la gestion de l'État, dans notre système de santé, dans notre façon d'enseigner, de faire des affaires.

Ce projet est ambitieux, les Québécois le sont tout autant face à leurs institutions démocratiques. En tant qu'individu et en tant que peuple, il faut INNOVER pour survivre!

Mettons-nous à la recherche d'une société plus intelligente et plus humaine, une société ouverte d'esprit et de coeur. D'ici aux élections, participons à la définition des vrais enjeux pour une société plus riche de sa véritable qualité de vie, plus proche d'elle-même, au-delà des formations politiques traditionnelles. Tous ensemble.


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Le rapport Payette

Un autre affront à la liberté d'expression


Quebec report would submit journalists to state controls

Theodore Bikel

The soundtrack of our lives


Plus libre, plus juste,
plus riche

The Métropolitain

First Anniversary
Premier anniversaire

The Israel Apartheid Lies

A response to hate

Stimulate This!

Some permanent solutions to
a continuing crisis


"A tiny ripple of hope..."

Eternal Vigilance

Un appel aux citoyens engagés

Masada shall not fall again!

The legacy of the brave and the bold

To Rouse The World From Fear

The Legacy of JFK

Lewis MacKenzie, OC
The People's General

Going Big! Going Bold! Getting it Done!

Ardent Advocacy
The Pursuit of the Politics of Purpose

Pragmatic Radicalism and the Struggle for a
Civil Society

The Compulsion of Nonconformist Conscience

To Revive Militant Liberalism and Renew a Culture of Compassion

"Victory In Spite of All Terror"

A Policy to Vanquish
the Venom


"And the Sun Stood Still at Mid-Day"

Twelve Days That Should Rend Our Souls Asunder

The Fierce Urgency of Now

John Paul II

A Ministry of Compassion for the
Victims of Contempt

Blind Justice in the Shadow of Life

The Tragedy of
Terri Schiavo

Mandatory Minimums

Rigorous Law
Rigorous Injustice

The Jaywalker, The Smoker and the Motherless Child

Our Bulls of Pamplona Run Amok

What we're for

Reflections on accomodation

Kafka, Kanada and Khodorkovsky

The Ghosts of
Dorian Gray

The David Irving Prosecution

The Perils of Divisible Freedoms

Harper's Triumph at the Summit

Principle Trumps Pandering

Scorn a Deluded People

Multiculturalism,Political Correctness,Moral Equivalency and the Coming Collapse of this Northern Dominion

The Shapiro Affair

A Commissioner Worthy of Contempt or a Culture Beneath Contempt?

Why Harper Won

A Victory of Character over Connivance

Liberal Renewal: A Time to Propose Not Merely Oppose

Toward a Return to Radical Liberalism

Decision Canada

A Flock of Sheep or a Pride of Lions

Canada's Nixon

Paul Martin and the Death of Canadian Liberalism

Subversion of Consequence, Perversion of Justice

Mulroney,Chretien,Martin and the Theft of a Country

Ottawa's Illiberal Agenda

The Compromise of Individual Imperative

A Legacy of Stone

The Martin-Stronach Deal

State Rape

The Scandal of Public Intrusions into
Private Lives

Extreme Prejudice: State Rape and the Death of Due Process

Our Retreat From Reason

Without Restraint of Consequence

The Rev. Darryl Gray and Our Culture of Complicity

Vertu et prohibition
Virtue and Vice

De confiner la vertu de liens raisonnables
The Self-Abnegation of the New Prohibitionists

Fatal Delusions

Culture,Immigration and the Compromise of Canadian Consequence

Exclusiveness and Intolerance

Religious Sacraments and Secular Rights

State and Faith

To Guard Against the Low Limitation of Narrow Narcissims

The Kirpan Decision

The Supremes Fail Again

The Tsunami Absolution

Empathy To Human Fate,
Apathy Toward
Human Hate

To Move A Nation

A Reflection on Leadership

Promises to Keep

The Unbearable Lightness of our
National Political Elites

A Nation Defined

Perspectives On
The Charter

A More Perfect Dominion

Time for the Canadian Republic

On Civil Conservatism

The Restraint of Reason Over Illiberal License

Neither Indulgence of Excuse Nor Excess of License

The Urgency for an Engaged Citizenry

Saudi Chutzpah and Jihadi Jigs

No Threat to the Real "Lords of War"

UN Watch

A Lesson in Law for Louise

The United Nations

30 Years of
"Brutal Buffoonery"

Lebanon Shares Hezbollah's Guilt

Lebanese Officials are Complicit

The Temper of
Our Time

A World Turned
Upside Down

Wake Up Calls From A Dangerous Time Zone

The Inherent Appeasement of
Moral Equivalency

Terms of Engagement

To Be Unreasonable
But Right

Québec & Israel

Contre la doctrine du mépris

Canada's Shame

The Victory of Shrivelled Spirit and Hostile Heart

Canada's Shame II

The Jamal Akkal Affair and our Foreign Policy Hypocrisy

& Al-Sudais

A Conflict of
Canadian Interests

Canada's Foreign Policy Review

A Chance at
Redemptive Change

The Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal

A Pledge of Principles

"...And Justice For All...": The Case for Fiscal Equity and Equality

An End to "Them That Has, Keeps"

Corporate Governance and Accountability:

Combinations of Institutional Intimacies and Concentrations of Unnatural Profits

Globalization and the Rights of Man

Labor's New
Crown of Thorns

“Evidence of Innocence is Irrelevant": The Death Penalty and the Illinois Experiment

The Fallibility of
Human Judgment

The Criminal Justice System: The Crimes of Punishment

The Crying Need for Legal, Penal and Parole Reform

The Quebec Election

A Transition Not a Transformation

A Matter of Prejudice

Quebec Shouldn't Accomodate
Quebec Should Acculturate

The Second Fall of Quebec Inc.

Time for an Untranquil Revolution

To Withstand Comparisons

The Challenge to Boisclair's Sovereigntists

The Colavecchio Affair

Our Ongoing Ordeal
With Civility

Quebec's Call for Clarity

What the Federal Election Results from Quebec Mean for Canada

Time to Fight
Fire with Fire

An End to the Blackmail


The Holocaust Day Election

An Orgy of Hate: The Disgrace of Prejudice

An Open Letter to the Ministers of Justice and Immigration of Canada

To Revive Our
Courage to Loathe

An End to the Paralysis
of the Rational

A View from Amman

Or How Not to
Read the Signs

Brit Academics
Boycott Israel

Brit Proctologists
Throw Party

Avnery's Axe

The Truth of Today's Middle East Realities

The Hariri Assassination

The United Nations Condemns Syria

The Hijacking of Legacy

Irrational Theocracy, Irresponsible Theology

After Arafat: Perils and Prospects in the
Middle East

The Strategic Realities of Asymmetrical Polarization

Les masques tombent

Les enlèvements des deux journalistes français

Islamic Iconography: One Faith, One State

The Inevitable Confrontation
with the West

Les lendemains de la guerre

Vers une démocratie ou un morcellement de l’Irak ?

American Democrat Not American Caesar

The Bush Doctrine as
Pax Liberta

The American Election

Why It's About the War Stupid!

Imperatives of Assault:Legitimacy as Precursor to Sovreignty

The Case for the Bush Doctrine on Iraq

Islam Absolu

Les Débordements du Fondamentalisme Islamique

Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction:National Security Archive Report

American and British intelligence reports on the existence and intended use by Iraq of its WMD program.

Mid-East Backgrounder:Breaking News

U.S.,Israeli,Turkish Agreements on Iraqi Crisis

The Acquisition of Weapons of Mass Destruction:

An Unclassified CIA Report

Operation Defensive Shield-The Legality of Armed Response

The Case for Israel in International Law

Un Ami d'Israël

Dix Declarations d'Amitiés

The Politics of a Guaranteed Income:

The Tragedy of Unfulfilled Promise

Health Care: The Test of our National Consensus

The Untouchable Universal

The Passion

The Eternal Vessel for the Teaching of Contempt

They Poisoned The Wells:The Old/New Anti-Semitism

Exclusiveness and Intolerance in the Post-9/11 World

The Hype of the Hypocrites:

The Reality of the
Political Man

Ten Days That Sear Our Souls

Wallenberg, King and Auschwitz

8 May 1945

A Personal Reflection on Memory and Witness

The Man Who Would Not Be Silenced

The Unapologetic Activism of Peter Bergson


Everybody Take A Valium

Election 2004: The Real Polls On The Ground

34 Key Ridings

2003 Québec Election Special:

Twenty-Two Ridings to Watch

Forge of Fire:Words That Changed The World

Reflections of Transcendant Yearning for Redemptive Change:A Multimedia Presentation

Justice Shalt Thou Pursue

The Institute's Response to a Time of Challenge


Misha Wajsman

A Constructive Anger

The Last Angry Man

BPW on the
New 940 Montreal (2008)

The Last Angry Man

BPW on the
New 940 Montreal (2007)

The Last Angry Man

BPW on the
New 940 Montreal (2006)

Brigitte Garceau

Community activism
Political action

Julius Grey

Individual consequence
Individual conscience

Gen. Lewis MacKenzie

Canada's Bold Voice

Nathalie Elgrably

Une nouvelle vision

Pamela Geller
Atlas Shrugs

The Real Deal on a
World at War

Canadian Hero
Robert J. Galbraith

Eyewitness to War

Nazanin Afshin-Jam

Profile in Courage

Toward A Culture of Conviction: A National Agenda of Character and Conscience

Forthcoming Book

Canadian McCarthyism No Holds Barred

BPW and the
Gomery Inquiry

The Fire This Time

Our Not So Gentle Land

A Question of Need

The Necessity of a Canadian Navy

Full Employment in a Free Society

The Challenge of
Our Times

The United Nations

The World's Sword of Damocles

Quebec and the Middle East: Alliances and Antagonisms

Israeli Relations as Framework of Reference

Financement et Flexibilité II

La Gouvernement du Québec et les Programmes Destinés aux Organismes Communautaires, Culturels et Sociaux


Archives-The Agenda
Front Page
RFK & PET: Our Beginnings in Advocacy
A Photo Gallery
A Statement of Purpose
Why We Do What We Do
Beryl P. Wajsman, Esq.
Founder and President
Jack Cola
Chairman of Council
Jack Dym
Vice-Chairman of Council
David H. Romano, Ph.D.
Albert A. Zbily, M.A.
A Profile of the Founder and President:
Beryl P. Wajsman,Esq.
John F. Angus
Corporate Governance and Banking Accountability
Prof. Julius Grey
Constitutional & Charter Rights and Law Reform
Me.Richard J. McConomy
Judicial Affairs and Legislative Initiatives
Prof.Annette Paquot
International Affairs
Maj.-Gen. (ret.) Lewis W. MacKenzie
National Defence and International Military Affairs
Terence J. Corcoran
Public Security
David B. Harris
Domestic and International Intelligence
Patrick Gagnon
National Political Affairs
Ruth Kovac
Municipal Affairs
Dr.André Dascal
National Health Policy
Hal Newman
Health Care and Social Services
Toni Cochand
Poverty and Homelessness
Nino Colavecchio
Rev.Darryl G. Gray
Rabbi Yonah Rosner
Inter-Community Religious Affairs
Sharon Freedman,BSW
Patients' Rights and Seniors
Michel A. Bourque
Technology,Development and Privacy
Francis Bellido,Ph.D.
Prof.Jean-Charles Chebat
Charles S. Coffey
James C. Duff
Louis Lacroix
Richard H. Gimblett, CD, Ph.D.
Cmdr.Charles Rabbat
Shoel Silver
Jonathan I. Wener
Members of the Roundtable are available to meet and advise on specific issues relevant to Institute initiatives and policy.
Robert G. Hest
(New York)
Peter Dimitroff
(Washington, D.C.)
Col. (ret.) Peter W. Reynolds
Lawrence J. Behar, Esq. (Miami)
Leonard Dykler, MBA
Me.Isabelle Jablonski
Noga Tarnopolsky
David Harel
(Tel Aviv)
The articles,studies and publications on this site are not necessarily reflective of the views of all members of the Council, the Roundtable or of our international Associates.


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