----- Original Message -----
From: Lachlin McKinnon
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 3:42 PM
Subject: RE: Institute Food Banks-National Post
Beryl, this initiative of yours is great. It's impact will be terrific. Your work ensures the commonweal. Your model of working with unions advances the real logic that Quebec, having the strongest unions in Canada, also has the most generous ones. So maybe a few more unions in Canada, or in the U.S., or at a Wal-Mart nearest you would be in order....
Many in our country make a common “democratic” error. They call those who use government services“clients”. They are not "clients"; they are citizens, which is one more reason why it is in the public interest that their basic civil entitlements be safeguarded.
The work you are doing is excellent and you should be honoured for being a citizen making a significant commitment to the Public Good.
Lachlin McKinnon
Senior Advisor to the Governor General
From: Jennifer Tryon
Sent: May 12, 2005 4:27 PM To: 'Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal'
Hey... nice job on LCN. you're everywhere.
Jennifer Tryon
From: Democracy Watch Sent: June 15, 2005 11:04 AM To: Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal Subject: Re: Our talk. Importance: High
Hello Beryl,
It was good to talk with you and learn more about your organization and activities. I will look at your website more closely. As I mentioned to you, Democracy Watch (based in Ottawa) is seeking pro bono legal service for 10 matters (all of which will, I believe, result in systemic, positive changes/rulings that will benefit millions of Canadians and/or do a lot to clean up the federal government).
None of the matters involve huge cases with multiple witnesses etc. In fact, almost all of the matters involve only the interpretation of legal measure. Many of the matters involve federal politicians (mainly Liberals) and the federal government, and federal lobbyists, and a couple of the matters involve Canada's big banks.
If you can refer me to lawyers who you think may be interested in helping with such matters (and would not be conflicted out by other matters their firm deals with), I would appreciate it very much. It would be great if the people you refer me to are in Ottawa, as that makes it easier for everyone to work on the case, but if you know of people in Montreal or Toronto that will of course work for us as well.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Duff Conacher, Coordinator Democracy Watch
From: Naresh Raghubeer Sent: July 4, 2005 12:10 PM To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca
Hi Beryl,
As executive director, Canadian Coalition for Democracies (CCD), I wanted to meet with you to discuss the state of affairs in Canada and how we can provide support for each other's organization where possible.
To learn more about the CCD you can visit our website at www.CanadianCoalition.com
Would you kindly give me a call when you have a chance.
Best regards, Naresh Raghubeer Executive Director, Canadian Coalition for Democracies
From: Pdimitroff Sent: July 18, 2005 7:22 AM To: 'Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal' Subject: RE: Cheers
Dear Beryl!
I have followed your adventures with a great deal of interest; give ‘em hell, I say.
Take care, my friend. I have no idea when I will be in Canada next…sigh.
Peter Dimitroff
Country Director - Afghanistan
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
-----Original Message----- From: Pratte, Andre Sent: August 8, 2005 6:09 PM To: 'bpwajsmann@iapm.ca' Subject: La Presse
M. Wajsman,
J'ai lu l'excellent texte de J. Grey dans votre magazine Barricades. Je me demandais si vous m'autoriseriez à le reproduire dans La Presse, avec les crédits appropriés bien sûr.
André Pratte
Éditorialiste en chef
La Presse
From: Giunta, Diana Sent: August 12, 2005 1:09 PM To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca Subject: Publication Importance: High
Hi Beryl!
Just a quick note to thank you for your publication of “Barricades” that you sent Mr. Gray. I have passed it along to him today… It’s great reading. Thank you also for the piece on Peter Dimitroff – Mr. Gray sent him a personal congrats by email….
Best regards,
Diana Giunta
Executive Assistant to
The Right Honourable Herb Gray, P.C., C.C., Q.C.
Chair, Canadian Section
International Joint Commission
From: Democracy Watch Sent: August 12, 2005 2:39 PM To: Institute for Public Affairs
Hi Beryl,
Thank you for your message. The magazine looks great!
Take care and bye for now, Duff Conacher
Democracy Watch
-----Original Message----- From: Brian Thompson Sent: August 19, 2005 1:46 PM To: Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal Subject: Re: BPW OP-ED: A DEATH IN A NAKED CITY
Dear Beryl:
Excellent piece. Judi admires your writing style.
We would love to post it tomorrow.
Do you by chance have a picture of you?
Brian Thompson
From: Josee.Ross@Quebecor.com Sent: August 19, 2005 8:32 AM To: Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal Subject: RE BPW OP-ED: A DEATH IN A NAKED CITY
Hello Mr. Wajsman,
This was a great article and you are right, Mr. Bertolo's death demands justice.
I hope we catch them.
Josée Ross
Executive Assistant to the Chairman
-----Original Message-----
From: Montefiore Club
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 15:47:02
Beryl, I checked out your website and your articles are very interesting. I enjoyed your writing. One of my many tasks at the Montefiore Club is organizing events. Perhaps we could discuss a future 'political' event with your participation. A political panel could be interesting. I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Chantal Clabrough
Membership Services Manager
Gérante Services aux Membres
Montefiore Club
----- Original Message -----
From: Kenny, Sen.Colin
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 3:34 PM
Subject: RE: Photo
Hi Beryl,
Many thanks for the picture, paper, and clippings.
I very much enjoyed the cruise. "Once in a lifetime!"
Sen.Colin Kenny
----- Original Message -----
To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 4:19 PM
Subject: RE: A Reminder of our Nation’s Purpose
Beryl –
Great article on our nation's purpose.
Capt. (N) Kelly Williams
Director of Maritime Strategy
From: Nynke Wijnalda
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 12:27 PM
Hello Beryl,
As I told you I am part of the organizing committee of the gala for the 50th anniversary of UNICEF Canada. I just spoke with the President of the UNICEF gala committee. Would you be interested in being president of honour for this Gala? The President will send you a letter with information on the role of the president of honour today.
Look forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,
Nynke Wijnalda
Dear Beryl,
Your excellent organizational skills and ability to bring such a select group of leaders together was greatly appreciated. It is always a pleasure to work with you and I would be very pleased to see you elected to the House of Commons one day.
The Hon. Gar Knutson
Secretary of State for Central & Eastern Europe and the Middle East
From: Charles S. Coffey
To: Beryl P. Wajsman, Institute for Public Affairs
Dear Beryl,
Thanks ever so much for showing such great leadership on such a critically important issue. Your help on our Rally for America was terrific. You are the best. You can be assured we will continue to fight on these issues and against any anti-Israeli or anti-Semitic acts. Keep up the fight…I for one am behind all of your initiatives…they contribute to a better Canada.
Charles S. Coffey
Executive Vice-President for Public Affairs & Government Relations
RBC Financial Group
From: Me. Stéphane J. Hébert
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 11:27 AM To: Institute for Public Affairs Re: TEN DAYS THAT SEAR OUR SOULS
Cher Beryl,
Une fois de plus, merci pour ce texte d'une grande richesse de mots et d'esprit. À l'approche de ce jour de commémoration de la libération du camp d'Auschwitz, je souhaite une fois de plus, que nos concitoyens prennent le temps d'aller visiter le Centre commémoratif de l'Holocauste à Montréal. Ce centre à l'instar de tous les autres témoignages illustre le refus de passer à l'oubli et nous avons comme devoir moral de s'assurer que nous n'oublierons jamais et ce, pour le plus grand bénéfice de l'humanité et des générations à venir.
Il faut cependant garder l'espérance, car nous sommes tous appelés comme Niemoller, Wallenberg et King à participer à l'édification d'un monde meilleur. Comme le dicte le "Lag Be-Omer", il faut batailler pour la liberté contre les forces obscures de l'oppression. C'est notre liberté, à nous de l'assumer.
À Bientôt,
Me. Stéphane J. Hébert
Beryl, I am impressed with your work and with your outspoken activism. Keep it up!
Thomas d'Aquino
Canadian Council of Chief Executives
From: Francis Fox
To: 'Beryl P. Wajsmann, Institute for Public Affairs'
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 3:34 PM
Subject: RE: Gov. George Ryan of Illinois: The Death Penalty &Criminal Justice Reform
The piece on capital punishment was excellent. I have long shared Camus' view that the state proceeding with an execution was indeed acting in a more despicable way than the murderer.
Francis Fox
----- Original Message -----
From: Caroline Savic
To: 'Institute for Public Affairs'
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 4:40 PM
Dear Beryl,
BRAVO on your comments. I agree with you 100%.
Take care and hopefully see you soon.
Caroline Savic
President, Women's Commission
Liberal Party of Canada (Québec)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gallagher, Michael F"
To: "'Institute for Public Affairs'"
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 9:38 AM
Subject: RE: Conference
Beryl, thanks for inviting me to your Conference. It was a great day . It was a trip worth making.
See you soon.
Michael F. Gallagher,Minister-Counselor
Embassy of the United States of America
Maj.-Gen. (ret.) Lewis W. Mackenzie
From: Lewis MacKenzie
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 10:10 PM To: 'Institute for Public Affairs' Subject: RE: WALLENBERG: DARING TO CARE-THE IMPERATIVE OF REDEMPTIVE RAGE
A brilliant speech that touches on a multitude of ills. It’s a good thing I didn’t have your script before I left for Ohio as it would have provided me with too much outstanding material to cram into an hour. Oh to be really proud of my country just one more time before the Last Post sounds. Congratulations-it must have been emotionally difficult to write.
Maj.-Gen. (ret.) Lewis Mackenzie
----- Original Message -----
From: "Blaikie, Bill - Riding 1"
To: <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: The Neglect of the Elderly-"Not the Best to Be" : A Visible
Minority Besieged
Dear Beryl,
A belated thanks for the article on the neglect of the elderly. Boomers
would be well advised to take heed and address these issues now. Keep up
the good work.
Bill Blaikie, M.P.
From: Jerry Goodman
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 11:07 AM To: Institute for Public Affairs Subject: RE: BUSH IS NOT AN AMERICAN CAESAR
Beryl: I will call JJ on this. I am also sending it to some people who are harsh critics of Bush's foreign policy positions. You have helped put some of the issues in a context that suggests those critics might want to reassess their views.
Jerry Goodman
Executive Director
National Committee for Labor Israel
New York
----- Original Message -----
From: "Moses, AE"
To: "'Institute for Public Affairs'" <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 11:26 AM
Beryl, your recent events were outstanding! Very illuminating for this relative outsider. I learned a lot.
Many thanks.
Albert E. Moses
Consul-General of the Netherlands
----- Original Message -----
To: <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 9:55 AM
An Examination of the Tolerance of the Governed
Beryl, as always, I found your lucid analysis stimulating and thought provoking. It is always useful to return, as you have done, to the fundamental principles underpinning the system of a free and democratic post-modern capitalist society.
Maj.-Gen. Douglas L. Dempster
Director of Strategic Planning
Canadian Forces
Je viens d'aller à votre site; je suis flattée et honorée d'y voir mes textes.
Bravo au “magnetic Beryl Wajsman”. Milles mercies pour tout ton travail.
Prof. Annette Paquot
From: "Édith Ducharme"
To: "Institute for Public Affairs" <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 2:57 PM
Subject: Réf. : Québec-Israel Institute lunch
It was a great pleasure to have a chance to share lunch with such an interesting group. I found that the discussion was open and the opinions enriching. I thank you for your invitation. Édith Ducharme CDP Capital
Beryl, I salute you with great admiration for your work.
Bill Shore
Executive Director
Share Our Strength
Washington, D.C.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Laberge, Danielle"
To: "'Institute for Public Affairs'" <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 2:13 PM
Cher Beryl,
J'ai été ravie par notre rencontre de lundi au club St-Denis. Un grand merci de m'avoir invitée. Je serai ravie de poursuivre la collaboration avec l’Institut. De plus, j'ai confirmé à l'ambassadeur M. Attali que je serais heureuse de poursuivre nos projets d'échanges autour de questions universitaires. Je me permets de vous souhaiter un bel été.
Danielle Laberge Vice-rectrice à l'enseignement, à la recherche et à la création UQAM
Cher M. Wajsman,
J'aime beaucoup ce que vous faites. Je pense que nous devrions travailler ensemble.
Prof. Jean-Charles Chebat
Chair de commerce Omer DeSerres
Vice-président de l”Academie des Sciences du Canada
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 9:22 PM
Subject: Re: Charbonneau & The Middle East
I agree completely with your sentiments. Politicians have traded on the demographics and tensions created by Canada's largely-uncontrolled immigration and refugee system. Mr. Charbonneau is a most modest manifestation of what is to come. Munich to Auschwitz, indeed. Be assured, Beryl, I'll continue to do what I can. One starting point would be responsible agitation amongst those who are most immediately vulnerable to fundamentalist threats.
I also wanted to say that I have looked carefully at your Institute web site, and was extremely impressed by your Concordia-Netanyahu piece. I have been exerting myself to bring home the ominous message of that disgraceful episode, and was proud to see that someone had spoken so eloquently for Canada, in its aftermath.
Best regards,
David B. Harris B.A., Grad. Dipl. Pub. Admin., M.A., M.S.F.S., LL.B., Of the Bar of Ontario President, INSIGNIS Strategic Research Inc.; Director, INSIGNIS International and Terrorist Intelligence Program
From: Stephen Schecter
To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: An Historic Meeting of Québec & Israeli Leaders
Beryl, I congratulate you for doing what you do, since one never knows when hearts and ears and minds will open. All the best and thanks for helping me.
Prof. Stephen Schecter
Votre site est absolument fabuleux. Merci de nous faciliter le travail de manière si constructive.
Evelyne Abitbol
Public Affairs & Government Relations
Concordia University
From: "Watson Dale"
To: "Institute for Public Affairs" <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 10:37 AM
Beryl, I really enjoyed the Conference. I want you to be in the arena. Feel free to give out my e-mail address. If I can help you in any way, please give me a call.
Dale L. Watson
----- Original Message -----
From: Steven Slimovitch
To: 'Institute for Public Affairs'
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 12:00 PM
Excellent piece on free speech and Concordia.
Me. Steven G. Slimovitch
Counsel, B’nai B’rith League for Human Rights
Dear Beryl,
Your work is great. It should be on the front page of every paper in the country. The Institute will increasingly be seen as one of the few organizations that are not afraid to speak out, to lead, to challenge and also to put forward consistent morally based images and ideas for the benefit of the country and the well-being of its people. You are to be admired for your clarity and courage.
John F. Angus
Dear Beryl,
It is with deep appreciation that I thank you for your generosity of spirit in supporting the scholarship fund at McGill. I am very proud of the work you are doing. It is a great education for many Canadians.
Sen. Sheila Finestone
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Nicol"
To: <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 7:55 AM
Subject: Institute
Dear Beryl,
Great seeing your office, and hooking up again. I admire your work, your opinions, and your spirit. I like finding people who care. You always raise the bar a little bit. Raise the standards, raise the level of public acceptability. I see you doing that in spades. Take care,
John Nicol
P.S. I've enjoyed each of your pieces I’ve read. Keep going...
-----original message-----
Excellent! If you come to Toronto you can meet the editorial board.
Jonathan Kay
Comment Editor
National Post
I think that the Institute is doing a job that nobody else is doing in Québec. Whatever help you may ever need you may count on me.
Alain Jean-Bart
----- Original Message -----
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 9:24 AM
Thank you for everything Beryl! Most sincerely for all the important work you do for us.
Clement Bergeron
From: Amb. Andrés Rozental
To: 'Beryl P. Wajsmann, Institute for Public Affairs'
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 10:17 AM
Subject: RE: Your Remarks at NAFINA/Amb. Paul Cellucci
Dear Beryl,
I am pleased that there has been a good response to the idea of an energy solution to the cohesion fund idea and hope that in the coming months we can put a little more flesh on the proposal. I hope to see you at our Monterrey NAFI Conference next year.
Amb. Andrés Rozental
Mexico City
From: Raul Rodriguez
To: 'Beryl P. Wajsmann, Institute for Public Affairs'
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 6:07 PM
Subject: RE: NAFINA
Many thanks, Beryl.
You are very generous and I thank you for including me. I trust I will have the opportunity to see you again soon.
Raúl Rodriguez, President
North American Development Bank
Well done Beryl, de la pensée à l'action, sans oublier la sensation.
Francios H. Bellido, Ph.D., Président
SGF Santé
From: "Toni Cochand"
To:” beryl wajsmann" <bpwajsmann@mobile.rogers.com>
You are wonderful! I agree with you. If we can teach our children what it takes to have a healthy community, to take responsibility for the weak, the old, and the needy....then there is a future for mankind.
Thank you.
Toni Cochand
Executive Director
Dans La Rue
Hello Beryl,
I was pleased to hear from you.
I have read your article. It is excellent.
Shanah Tovah to you and those you love.
.Jacques Saada
Député fédéral de Brossard - La Prairie
Federal M.P. for Brossard - La Prairie
From: Parisella, John
To: 'Institute for Public Affairs'
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 4:06 PM
Subject: RE: Islamic Iconography: One Faith, One State
Dear Beryl,
Thanks for this. You know I share your objectives and
your battle against all forms of injustice and racism.
John Parisella
From: Kathleen Weil
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 9:37 AM
Subject: RE: Institute-National Post
Hi Beryl
Congratulations to you for this amazing an successful initiative and thank you for the very interesting piece on Peter Bergson. Well written and well documented as with the Colavecchio article.
Best wishes for the New Year.
Kathleen Weil
Executive Director
Foundation for Greater Montreal
From: Nicholas Tetrault
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 11:54 AM
Beryl what can I do to help you? Félicitations pour tout ce que tu fais, cela m'impressionne!
Monsieur Nicolas TETRAULT Conseiller municipal, Plateau Mont-Royal
----- Original Message -----
From: Amb. Anthony Quainton
To: Beryl P. Wajsmann, Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 11:32 AM
Dear Beryl:
Thank you for your kind words at the Conference. I would be delighted to participate in any future event. The Institute does excellent work. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
Amb. Anthony C.E. Quainton
National Policy Association
Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr. Wajsman,
Your generosity to the "Lawyers Feed the Hungry" program is very much appreciated by the Law Society and the legal profession in Ontario.
Robert P. Armstrong
Law Society of Upper Canada
----- Original Message -----
From: Shoel Silver
To: 'Institute for Public Affairs'
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 4:37 PM
Superb! You are without a doubt a tool of the Devil.
On a separate but related matter, best of luck with the conference.
Shoel Silver
Chairman and CEO
The Metrontario Group
To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 10:41 AM
Dear Beryl,
I have become very intrigued by the magnitude of your vision. Would you be available to be a guest on my radio program on CJAD Sundays from 6-7Pm.
Father John Walsh
From: Kirsten Bell
To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2004 7:56 PM
Subject: Canada in the World
Dear Mr. Wajsman,
I am a producer with CHQR AM 770 in Calgary, Alberta. I am writing to you to ask if you would be willing to speak on a live radio show (The World Tonight) to discuss your view of Canada. Having recently received "Canada in The World: The Restoration of our National Pride and Purpose" I believe that you could provide our show with a compelling discussion on Canada's identity.
Thank you in advance, Kirsten Bell Producer "The World Tonight" CHQR AM 770
From: Sean Silcoff
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 5:52 PM
Beryl, great work. Have a happy new year.
Sean Silcoff
Montreal Bureau Chief
Financial Post
Monday, February 03, 2003 1:21 AM
Re: Your responses to Schecter & UQAM
I am very impressed with your work.
Aharon Leshno Yaar
North American Division
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
I wanted to tell you that I really appreciate all of the excellent guidance and mentoring you have given our Minister. I am very gratified that he has, in you, a very clear voice of reason and sanity in these times. Sincerely, Peter Peter Dimitroff Executive Assistant Office of the Secretary of State Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East Department of Foreign Affairs
From: "Jack Dym"
To: "Beryl P. Wajsman" <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 2:23 PM
Subject: Summit meeting
Dear Beryl, Your efforts for this event were noticed be all, in fact from the events that I attended later that day and evening the word was getting around town as to "did you hear who Beryl brought in!?” I am personally very proud of you and your efforts towards bringing together a greater community! Mazel Tov to you and all that you do! Regards, Jack Dym President
Cleman Ludmer Steinberg
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: Canada in the World
Dear Beryl,
You are getting there. A national Canadian figure!
Cheering you on.
Irving Ludmer
Cleman, Ludmer, Steinberg
Thomas O. Hecht
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Cc: nspector3@shaw.ca
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2003 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: Canada's Shame: Foreign Policy Hypocrisy
& The Jamal Akkal Affair
BRAVO BERYL! Circulate wherever you can. Well done. Congratulations on all your initiatives. Chapeau!!!
Tom Hecht
From: Philip Reichmann
To: Beryl P. Wajsmann, Institute for Public Affairs <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
I really enjoyed your Open Letter to the Ministers entitled Orgy of Hate, regarding recent events at Concordia University .
All the best,
Philip Reichmann
From: Daniel S. Miller
To: 'bpwajsmann@iapm.ca'
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 11:50 AM
Dear Beryl:
I can't thank you enough for your kind invitation
to the conference. I was immensely impressed
by the quality of the participants and
the professionalism surrounding the whole affair.
In short, it was a remarkable experience.
Thank you.
Daniel S. Miller
Davies, Ward, Phillips & Vineberg
From: Richard H. Gimblett
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2004 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: “Canada in the World”-Foreign Policy Review
It was a genuine pleasure renewing our acquaintance Friday. Thank you for your stirring talk on Friday and for today’s intriguing insights. I look forward to our next meeting.
Until then, sincerely,
Richard H. Gimblett, CD, Ph.D.
Centre for Foreign Policy Studies
Dalhousie University
Lieberman Realties
From: Ben Lieberman
Re: Conference of Defence Associations Press Release
“Wajsman's paper raises important issues and perspectives that we believe deserve to be incorporated into the upcoming foreign and defence policy review.
Col.(ret.) Alain Pellerin”
Very impressive!
Ben Lieberman
AVS Technologies
From: Stanley Plotnick
To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 8:04 PM
Hi Beryl,
It has been too long since we have seen each other but I do enjoy your work. Enlightening and provocative…
as you always are.
All the best
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 11:55 AM To: 'Institute for Public Affairs'
Hi Beryl,
Excellent job at the Wallenberg memorial!
Prof. Guy Stanley
University of Ottawa
To: <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 8:15 AM
Dear Beryl,
Your work on the Public Curator issue is a great and important initiative that will help many people who are ill and in need of extra care. I have always been quite clear on your ability and power to get things done but this past while has made it far more explicit and meaningful to me. I will always do my utmost to assist you wherever and whenever I can. You are a good and passionate man Beryl and a mensch!
Warmest Regards,
Jonathan Wener, President Canderel Management Inc.
From: Egbert Gaye
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 11:38 AM To: Institute for Public Affairs Subject: Re: BPW ADDRESS AT McGill WALLENBERG COMMEMORATION Importance: High
Hey Beryl Wonderful speech at the commemoration yesterday.
Egbert Gaye
Community Contact
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 3:01 PM To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca Subject: RE: WALLENBERG: DARING TO CARE-THE IMPERATIVE OF REDEMPTIVE RAGE
Beryl, thanks ever so much for sharing what I will describe as a wake-up call for all Canadians. I do hope this speech gets wide coverage. It should be mandatory reading for every elected leader in the country. This is something I will read again and again. I am very proud to be associated with you my friend. Press on!
Charles S. Coffey
Executive Vice-President for Government Relations and Public Affairs
Royal Bank of Canada
From: Nicholas Rapaport
Sent: November 02, 2003,12:52 PM To: Institute for Public Affairs
Re: To Afflict the Comfortable and Comfort the Afflicted- The Challenge of Hunger in a Free Society
Dear Beryl ,
I want to congratulate you on your great program. Your work is an example of how social change can be made and how people can benefit from your leadership. I hope that your model can be implemented in different parts of the world and I would be more than happy to help you and at the same time to put in place the same program in eastern Europe.
With great admiration and respect,
Nicolas Y. Rapaport
Hon. Consul-General for Québec
Government of Romania
GROSS, PINSKY, s.e.n.c.r.l.
From: Joel A. Pinsky
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 2:02 PM To: 'Institute for Public Affairs'
Beryl, You continue to amaze me.
Me. Joel A. Pinsky
From: Irving Ludmer
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 9:44 PM To: Institute for Public Affairs Cc: Mona Ludmer; Brian Ludmer; David Ludmer;
Beautifully written. You fight the battle of hypocrisy by the impotent (Canada), and the animalistic nature of Man. Fight on my "Man of La Mancha" for otherwise we shall never know of what we are capable.
Irving Ludmer
Cleman, Ludmer, Steinberg
Jean-Paul Ruszkowski
-----Original Message----- From: Jean-Paul Ruszkowski
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 9:36 PM To: Institute for Public Affairs
Re: Ten Days That Sear Our Souls
Tu as bien descrit le sentiment des gens qui souhaitent contribuer a un monde meilleur. Nous prions que Dieu continue a nous donner des gens comme les heros mentionnes, mais aussi des Wajsman,des Dallaire et tan d'autes qui ne font pas les premiere pages des journaux.
Merci Beryl de dedier tant d'nergie a preserver des ideaux universels.
A bientôt!
Jean-Paul Ruszkowski
-----Original Message----- Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 6:55 PM To: Institute for Public Affairs Subject: Re: WALLENBERG: DARING TO CARE-THE IMPERATIVE OF REDEMPTIVE RAGE
Best of luck and thanks for letting me know. Your heart and mind are in the right place!
Jonathan Wener, C.M.
Canderel Corporation
----- Original Message -----
From: "Harry Parnass"
To: "Institute for Public Affairs" <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 10:35 AM
Right on!, Beryl. I am keeping this piece as the subject of a seminar with my students. It really goes to the heart of what we are about ( or should be) as a country. Your references are something so graphic any citizen should be able to understand. I hope it's a wakeup call to most on your mailing list.
Thank you for your vigilance.
Harry Parnass
Sauvé Scholars
Me. Christian Bolduc
From: Christian Bolduc
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 11:01 AM To: 'Institute for Public Affairs' Subject: RE : TEN DAYS THAT SEAR OUR SOULS
Cher Beryl,
Continue ton travail de promotion en faveur de la paix, des droits et libertés et de l’implication sociale.
Au plaisir,
Christian Bolduc
Lawrence J. Behar, P.A.
From: Larry Behar
To: 'Institute for Public Affairs' Subject: RE: WALLENBERG ADDRESS AND TEN DAYS PIECE
Hi Beryl,
I have passed along your papers to Abe Foxman of the ADL. Excellent presentations.
Lawrence J. Behar, P.A.
Attorneys at law. Avocats. Abogados
From: Nicholas Remillard
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 3:28 PM To: 'Institute for Public Affairs' Subject: RE: PUBLIC AFFAIRS: An Independent Journal of Politics and Power
Félicitation!!!!!! Je pense que cette publication va rajouter beaucoup de crédibilités et de poids à votre Institut et sera se tailler une place de choix dans les médias écrits au Canada. Je serai très honoré de pouvoir contribuer à ce projet en écrivant un article. Voilà une belle et bonne nouvelle pour débuter la nouvelle année. Si je peux vous être d'une quelconque utilité, vous pouvez toujours compter sur moi. Au plaisir et encore une fois Félicitation à vous et à toute votre équipe!
Nicholas Remillard
Conférence de Montréal
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 4:20 PM To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca Subject: Re: PUBLIC AFFAIRS: An Independent Journal of Politics and Power
Beryl, You can count on my voice.
Charles S. Coffey
Executive Vice-President for Government Relations and Public Affairs
From: Richard Gimblett
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 1:20 PM To: Institute for Public Affairs Subject: Re: PUBLIC AFFAIRS: An Independent Journal of Politics and Power
Congratulations on this initiative. It is timely and certainly needed. I believe there is a thirst in this land for the truth.
Richard H. Gimblett, CD, CMM, Ph.D.
School of Foreign Policy Studies
From: David Ouellette
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 10:06 AM To: 'Institute for Public Affairs' Subject: RE: PUBLIC AFFAIRS: An Independent Journal of Politics and Power
Dear Beryl, Congratulations! This is excellent, thrilling news I would very much like to submit a paper.
Best wishes for the New Year,
David Ouellette, Editor
From: Tanya Zaritzky
To: Institute for Public Affairs Subject: RE: Congratulations
Thanks Beryl. Have a great 2005.
Tom Axworthy
The Hon. Sheila Copps, P.C.
-----Original Message----- From: Sheila copps
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 11:14 AM To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca Subject: RE: PUBLIC AFFAIRS: An Independent Journal of Politics and Power
Beryl, Well done! A good start to 2005. Happy New Year!
Community Contact
From: Egbert Gaye
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 1:45 PM To: Institute for Public Affairs Subject: Re: PUBLIC AFFAIRS: An Independent Journal of Politics and Power Importance: High
Hey Beryl,
Congratulations on the imminent launch of the journal. We can only benefit from having a forum where the true fall-outs of politics and policies can be explored with diligence Stay doing "the good work" and stay well.
-----Original Message----- From: Potter, Simon
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 10:37 PM To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca Subject: Re: PUBLIC AFFAIRS: An Independent Journal of Politics and Power
Best wishes, Beryl, and all the best in the New Year.
Me.Simon V. Potter
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 6:05 PM To: 'Institute for Public Affairs' Subject: RE: PUBLIC AFFAIRS: An Independent Journal of Politics and Power
Hi Beryl,
Great venture! My very best wishes for all success. Good luck et bon courage! The McGee quote seems particularly apt in light of the Martin government’s hesitation waltz on anything important. The mock-up is indeed impressive. It does remind me of Cité Libre and it targets the policy communities dead on. I wish you the very best and encourage you and your team in waking Canada from its public policy slumbers.
Prof. Guy Stanley
University of Ottawa
From: Parisella, John
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 11:35 AM To: 'Institute for Public Affairs' Subject: RE: BPW OP-ED: TRADE TRUMPS PRINCIPLES ON LIBYAN JAUNT
Always worth reading . I want to read more from you.
John Parisella
The Hon. Sheila Copps
From: copps
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 9:40 PM To: Institute for Public Affairs Subject: Re: BPW OP-ED: TRADE TRUMPS PRINCIPLES ON LIBYAN JAUNT
Great article!
From: Robert Hest
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 3:32 PM To: Institute for Public Affairs Subject: Re: TRADE TRUMPS PRINCIPLES ON LIBYAN JAUNT
Another scintillating editorial.
Robert G. Hest
Insight Philanthropy
New York
From: Richard Cohen
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 9:47 AM To: 'Institute for Public Affairs' Subject: RE: BPW OP-ED: TRADE TRUMPS PRINCIPLES ON LIBYAN JAUNT
Well said! Have a very happy holiday, hopefully well removed from the vagaries of this rather puzzling world!
Best wishes, Richard
From: Martin Pouliot
To: 'Institute for Public Affairs'
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 12:36 PM
Beryl, Thank you for your presence on our show examing racism.
We really appreciated your strong and clear approach and for taking the time to participate.
Many thanks to you.
Martin Pouliot
Animateur - Pour ou Contre
CKAC Radiomédia
From: Jerry Goodman
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 11:23 AM To: Institute for Public Affairs Subject: RE: BPW OP-ED: TRADE TRUMPS PRINCIPLES ON LIBYAN JAUNT
Beryl: Greetings.
Great op-ed!
Jerry Goodman, Executive Director
National Committee for Labor Israel
New York
From: wednesdaynight.net
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 1:30 AM To: Institute for Public Affairs Subject: RE: TO SEE SUFFERING AND TRY TO HEAL IT: CITIZENS RESPOND TO THE SICK KIDS CRISIS
We talked about this issue tonight with Julius Grey and several doctors vis à vis whether law suits could help, given that there is a class action suit on the shortage of family doctors - law suits to fight against limitations in recruitment of physicians (by manpower plans) and nurses(by outlawing signing or recruitment bonuses).
Congratulations for your stand and what you are doing!
Diana & David Nicholson
From: Kevin Libin
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 12:25 PM To: Institute for Public Affairs Subject: Re: AZZAM'S RELEASE: THE RIDDLE IN THE ENIGMA
What a story. Thanks Beryl.
Regards, KL
Kevin Libin Editor Western Standard
From: Day, Stockwell - M.P.
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 11:53 AM To: Beryl Wajsmann
The season gives me yet another reason to reflect on our friendship and to thank you for your encouragement. May the light of the Chanukah candles embrace you and your loved ones and may the miracle of the Festival of Lights hasten peace in the Middle East.
Shalom and all good wishes,
Stock Stockwell Day, M.P. Okanagan-Coquihalla Official Opposition Foreign Affairs Critic
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 14:02:10 -0500
Hello Beryl,
I just wanted to say what a pleasure it was to meet you the other night at the Israeli State Dinner. I really enjoyed our conversation, and have been thinking about it ever since (that doesn't always happen with dinner conversations at state dinners, believe me.) Our conversation has made me pay much closer attention to the situation in the Middle East. I've been thinking in particular about the need to support a democratic regime in that area. I wish I understood the West Bank situation better, but I'm working on it. At any rate, every time I read or watch the news about Arafat, suicide bombers, Canada' response to the region, etc., I think of you. No joke. And that's a good thing, I find.
All the best,
Lachlin McKinnon
Senior Advisor to the Governor General
From: The Hon. Ken Dryden
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 9:13 AM To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca
Dear Mr. Wajsman,
Thank you for your kind words on my appointment as Minister of Social Development.
I look forward to the challenges of my new portfolio and the opportunity to work towards addressing issues that are important to Canadians.
I appreciate very much your thoughtfulness in taking the time to write.
Ken Dryden
----- Original Message -----
To: <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 7:06 AM
Subject: RE: Election 2004: The Real Polls On The Ground-34 Key Ridings
Beryl, I really appreciated this analysis and have forwarded it to others to read.
This election is clearly unlike the previous ones in 1997 and 2000 given the new slate of party leaders, volatility in our economic and social fabric,regional/local issues and some uncomfortable perceptions of US policies in the world. You have brought these macro issues down to the riding level andprovided a well-reasoned roll-up back to the national level. Regards. Maj.-Gen. Douglas L. Dempster
Director of Strategic Planning
Canadian Forces
Maj.-Gen. Lewis W. MacKenzie
From: Lewis MacKenzie
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2004 6:15 PM To: 'Institute for Public Affairs' Subject: RE: BPW OP-ED ON IMMIGRATION AND MULTICULTURALISM REFORM
Right on Beryl!!
Cheers, Lew
Dear Beryl,
Thank you for being in our corner, for caring about the hungry and for being such a good friend.
Toni Cochand
Executive Director
Me. Aaron Pollack
From: Aaron Pollack
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2004 9:49 AM To: 'Wajsmann, Beryl'
A brilliant pamphleteer wielding a mighty pen in the defence of liberty . I read your material religiously - of course - and enjoy it immensely ! Keep it up!!
Regards AP
From: Carl Daviau Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 9:24 PM To: Institute for Public Affairs Subject: RE: ORGANIZED LABOUR AND CHAREST'S "THIRD WAY":
Beryl, Well done...
Carl Daviau
Revenue Quebec
The Nicholson Files
#1178 - Sept. 29th, 2004
The Noranda acquisition has caught the attention of our favorite polemicist, Beryl Wajsman, who, in his most recent commentary, states: Business leaders always like to draw a connection between free markets and free societies. Where is the inherent protection of either when dealing with a Communist dictatorship? Noranda’s President said that he is attempting to “…crystallize value for shareholders…” Well, the main shareholder happens to be Brascan and they are doing quite well thank you. We would prefer to see political and corporate leaders as concerned about catalyzing conscience. See: A CATALYST FOR CONSCIENCE CANADA, THE U.N., AND THE CHINA TRADE on www.iapm.ca ]
M. Wajsman,
Je désire vous témoigner toute ma reconnaissance en regard de ce que vous avez fait pour cette famille Chilienne dont l'enfant est leucemique. Tout est réglé et votre aide nous fut des plus precieuse dans ce dossier.
Dr.Jocelyn Demers, O.C.
From: Potter, Simon
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 6:40 PM
I enjoyed this one, Beryl, and hope they keep coming.
It will be intrusive, too intrusive, when it comes, for the police to use specialized radar to look into buildings and see what people are doing in there. The current distinctions are hard to make, but it seems to me that some distinctions have to be made.
All the best.
Me. Simon V. Potter
Canadian Bar Association
----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick Gagnon"
To: "Institute for Public Affairs" <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 4:40 PM
Beryl, Tacitus had it right, you could juxtapose it all with the first 120 days of the current minority government and its “visionary” leadership.
Patrick C. Gagnon
From: Robert G. Hest
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 11:32 AM
I have struggled against the inexorable rise of the interventionist regulatory (and statutory) burden imposed by Canadian lawmakers for the better part of the past 3 decades -- while I have not stopped resisting, personal family choices propelled me to continue ... from afar, with probably less effect.
The dream of individual liberty, expressed in the writings of Rousseau, Locke, Burke and others has been continually under assault throughout the history of mankind. James Madison once warned in 1788 "... there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations." This from a man who was probably more influential with ideas that resulted in the instruments of the US Constitution than any other of those visionaries who helped create the Republic.
I hope there are many more like us who will stand against the tide and work to reverse the encroachments. I fear that the concomitant requirement of individual responsibility may be harder to re-instill.
Best regards.
R.G. Hest Robert G. Hest & Associates, Inc.
Insight Philanthropy
It's no use saying, "We are doing our best." You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary. Winston Churchill
Mon cher Beryl,
Mille mercis pour tes actions. Tu est un vrai ami.
Mohammed Berrada
Président et directeur-general
Royal Air Maroc
----- Original Message -----
To: <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 3:46 PM
Its nice to see that someone is keeping an eye on big brother as he makes his way further down the slippery slope of curtailing rights and freedoms. Keep up the good work.
Me.Dario Pietrantonio
From: Pierre Lemieux
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 8:39 PM
Very interesting piece. Prof. Pierre Lemieux
----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Plett"
To: "Beryl Wajsman" <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: Thanks and greetings
Beryl, I look forward to meeting you again in the near future and to a lasting friendship. Regards, Don Plett
Conservative Party of Canada
Cher Beryl,
Je souhaite vous remercier chaleureusement pour votre participation au comité d'honneur du
Festival international de nouvelle danse.
Chantal Pontbriand
From: Ezra Levant
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 6:06 PM
It is frustrating! You’re doing very well.
Good luck to you out there.
Ezra Levant Publisher
Western Standard
----- Original Message -----
From: David Harel
To: Beryl Wajsman
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2004 12:30 PM
Dear Beryl,
It has been a pleasure working with you and I wish you every success for your future and the work of the Institute. From the first I enjoyed meeting you and have always appreciated the material we receive from you.
Best Regards,
----- Original Message -----
To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 10:23 AM
Dear Mr. Wajsman,
Thank you, sincerely, for your initiative and your dedication in helping us to pause and consider on so many important issues that matter so much. It is rewarding to be able to access your work regularly. You make us reflect on issues ever so important for Canada and Canadians. I always read with immense interest and satisfaction the work of the Institute.
Best regards,
Duarte M. Miranda Vice-President, Trade RBC Global Services
Carrefour des communautés du Québec
----- Original Message -----
From: Christian Martin
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 5:03 PM
Dear Beryl,
Well done. I support your excellent pro-active initiative. I am very please to see such a group of people dedicated to this challenge but also prepared to change things, attitudes etc…Best regards and hope to see you soon.
Christian Martin
----- Original Message -----
From: Parisella, John
To: 'Institute for Public Affairs'
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 3:18 PM
Dear Beryl,
This is a very informative paper that should be read by many. It is easy to mix vocabulary. You help to clarify matters. Thanks for this .
John Parisella
----- Original Message -----
To: <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 5:38 PM
Subject: Five Pillars of Purpose
Beryl – Your paper entitled “Five Pillars of Purpose” is an excellent and important contribution to the ongoing debate of defence issues
Capt(N) Kelly Williams Director of Maritime Strategy
----- Original Message -----
From: Richard H. Gimblett
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 5:56 AM
Subject: Re: Institute Condemnation of Charbonneau in the General Press and the Jewish Tribune
Spot on. It never ceases to amaze me the free ride that too many people in positions of responsibility extend to the Palestinians, at the expense (as you put it so succinctly) of Israel, the only democracy in the entire region. How they manage to keep that democracy alive under constant threat is beyond me. Ours would have collapsed long ago.
All the best, and keep up the good work on all fronts,
Richard H. Gimblett,CD,Ph.D.
Centre for Foreign Policy Studies
Dalhousie University
----- Original Message -----
From: joseph paperman
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 10:57 PM
Kol hakavod! Well said. I appreciate your response to this unacceptable violation of our human rights by the administration of Concordia. I believe that many in the community are now aware of your offer of security should Concordia acquiesce and allow the Barak speech to go forward. Thanks for your support,
Joseph Paperman
From: Tyler Cavell
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 4:04 PM To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca Subject: changing the world
Dear Mr. Wajsman,
Our broadcast publishing team and Board of Directors has had the fantastic opportunity to read through your web site. We are all thoroughly inspired. Thank you and best regards,
Tyler N. Cavell
-----Original Message----- From: Paul Shore
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 10:35 PM To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca
Beryl, thanks for taking the time with us last week. I am very pleased to have been introduced to you and your work at the Institute.
Paul Shore
Canada Bureau Chief
Guerrilla News Network
-----Original Message----- From: Harry Parnass
To: Institute for Public Affairs Subject: Re: Many thanks for your talk
Beryl, there seems to be consensus that it was the best evening for the scholars since they came to Montreal. It certainly got the juices flowing. I hope we can do it again. You were most generous with your time and energy.
Harry Parnass
From: Roger Gauthier
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 7:33 PM To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca Cc: Zenon Mazur Subject: Re: Hey Canada! Can you handle the truth?
Bonsoir M. Wajsman,
J'ai lu avec intérêt votre article « Hey Canada! Can you handle the truth? ». Vous décrivez avec puissance un état de fait qui dépasse largement la politique canadienne. Ce qui m'a le plus frappé, c'est que, mutatis mutandis, vos commentaires pourraient fort bien s'appliquer au domaine où je travaille avec Zenon Mazur, l'enseignement. Les mêmes conclusions hâtives, les mêmes non-dits, les mêmes tabous !
C'est un monde bien sûr beaucoup plus petit. Mais ceux et celles qui nous dirigent tentent de nous imposer des points de vue non fondés, sans considérer les bases essentielles et des faits évidents. Et trop de profs ne trouvent rien à redire. Je pourrais très facilement, en reprenant votre article. en écrire un intitulé « Hey Boss! Can you handle the truth? ». Dans notre cas, au collège de Bois de Boulogne, la réponse est non bien sûr.
Continuez à écrire, M. Wajsman. Vous me faites toujours réfléchir, et c'est le but de la chose.
Prof. Roger Gauthier
From: Puxley, Peter
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 10:26 AM To: Institute for Public Affairs Subject: Re Wal-Mart
Dear Beryl,
I'm sure you have quite enough to read without my sending you more. However, I thought your recent piece on Wal-mart was excellent and wondered whether you caught the enclosed article by Robert Reich in the NY Times. If so, my apologies for loading up your in-box.
Best wishes,
Peter Puxley
Director, Public Affairs Canadian Policy Research Networks
-----Original Message----- From: James A. W. Heffernan Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 10:48 AM To: "Institute for Public Affairs" Subject: Re: VIRTUE AND VICE: THE SELF-ABNEGATION OF THE NEW PROHIBITIONISTS
Thanks for this. I applaud what you write about.
Prof.Jim Heffernan
Dartmouth College
From: Pierre Lemieux
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 6:56 PM To: Institute for Public Affairs Subject: Re: VERTU ET PROHIBITION
Tout à fait d'accord. Félicitations. Ma chronique dans le Western Standard qui paraît au début de la semaine va dans le même sens. Cordialement,
Prof. Pierre Lemieux
-----Original Message----- From: George Treheles
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 1:23 PM To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca Subject: Canadian Club of York Region
Dear Mr. Wajsman,
My name is George Treheles and I am the president of the newly formed Canadian Club of York Region.
For the past couple of years I have been reading many of your articles and I have learned so much.Now that I have the privledge
of being the president of the Canadian Club of York Region I would be honoured if you could speak at one of our luncheons.
We are currently putting together our 2005/2006 calendar and we would love to add your name to it.
George Treheles
From: Blatchford, Christie
Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 9:08 AM To: Institute for Public Affairs Subject: RE: Blind Justice and the Shadow of Life
What an excellent article this is. The last line is fabulous.
Thanks for sending it to me.
Christie Blatchford
Globe and Mail
-----Original Message----- From: Martin_Rudner Sent: August 18, 2005 1:34 PM To: 'Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal' Subject: RE: A DISTORTION OF DOCTRINE AND TRUTH
Congratulations. More Power to you.
Professor Martin Rudner, Ph.D.,
Canadian Centre of Intelligence and Security Studies,
The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs,
Carleton University, Ottawa