SUR RDI AVEC BRIGITTE BOUGIE CONTRE LE PROJET DE LOI 14 | Speaking at Anti-Bill 14 Rally at Marois' office Full CTV video,CBC and CTV interviews and press coverage | ANTI-BILL 14 PROTEST RALLY "A chance to do something, not just complain!" | MEMO TO LIBS & CAQ ON BILL 14 DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! | CRITIQ A rights response to language laws | En débat avec Mario Beaulieu (SSJB) sur l`émission Denis Levesque LCN Réactions | Institute advocacy results in major Revenue Quebec reforms Journal de Montréal: Revenu Québec renonce aux cotisations «choc» ***** Finance Minister and Director-General act after abuses brought to light
| Queen's Jubilee Medal Awarded for community service | 1500 model UN participants hear message of challenge and responsibility Métropolitain publisher keynotes McGill Conference largest after Harvard and Penn State | The Payette Plan A community protected, a battle won, a campaign continued | Reprenons la rue Taking back the street | Résister aux comparaisons Paul Gérin-Lajoie Un révolutionnaire tranquille
| 13,000 Montrealers salute Israel Hosting the Israel Independence Day Rally | Amal's Story "All I want to know is why?" | On Language Optics and politics | City's Iran protests continue Kilgour,Wajsman speak to coalition | Helping Sun Youth's Haitian Relief Diplomats and activists rally | The Canwest Bid Going for the Gazette | "KIP" Daring to care | The Arrogance of Authority The Bela Kosoian Affair | "Arrogants, vulgaires et disgracieux!" Citizens fed up with green onions and parking rules | Local and national recognition The Suburban and Editor receive writing honours | Wajsman for Mayor? A helluva reaction for April Fool`s | Community coalition demands change Mayor finally agrees to open discussions | Broken Promises How we lied to Ala Morales and to ourselves | WOZNIAK Justice done | Causing a stir Libs, Tories & BPW | Martin Luther King, Jr. Legacy Award Ceremony at City Hall BPW receives award for promoting human dignity | The Teaching of Contempt Gemma Raeburn and the Montreal Police | "Cassandra's Lilacs"- The "Gentle the condition" Concert The Garceau Foundation and the Institute for Public Affairs present the "Gentle the Condition" concert | "Human Dignity Rally" Ottawa rally for rights in China an inspiring success | The "Salubrious" persecution of Citizen "M" Your home is not your castle and you need to know why | Dietrich Freed! A Senior and the System | A Healthy Corrective to Self-Censorship National Post's Barbara Kay on "The Métropolitain" | Marchildons Win! RAMQ approves US surgery | Itzhayek Home! "Sorry just doesn't cut it!" | Advocacy matters! It makes a difference | Answered Prayers Battling hunger | Gentle the condition A just society where co-operation is valued as much as competition and where compassion always triumphs over contempt | Ahead of the curve Unanswered questions on Gomery bias | Tax Revolt! If they can do this to us, they can do this to anyone | "We are not satisfied!" Darfur:The Montreal Conference | The Conrad Black Verdict Why we all need to care about the politics of justice | The Suburban's New Editor Beryl Wajsman | On The Slippery Slope to Thought Control Quebec's Press Council Decisions | The Pressure at the Pumps This Time it's the Greed not the Greens | Montreal's Meter War The Brewing Urban Tax Revolts | Communities of Conscience: The Budapest Wallenberg Memorial Project Support from the Anglican Church of Canada | The Tale of Two Nazanins A Victory for Valor | From the Klan to Tehran Baker, Carter, Duke & the New Cliveden Mindset | The Peter March Concordia Lecture Islam and Democracy The Urgency of Reforming State Faith | Therefore Choose Courage Lest We Forget Canadians of Conscience | Religious Profiling Quebec Style | 10th Institute Policy Conference Questions of Values Ways of Response to the Islamist Challenge | The Problem with Liberalism It's The Statism Stupid | Quebec and A Question of Values The Montreal Rally for "Peace" | A Nation Under Suspicion Time to Stop the Tyranny of the Mindless | Chantal Beaubien An Institute Intern Hits the Front Lines | The CUPE Boycott of Israel Echoes of Darker Evils | Memory and Witness The EMSB, the Institute and the Palatucci Facility | The Scarlet Lettering of Christopher Statham Foreign Law and Free Press | The Freedom to Choose: Always the Right Side of History The Problem with Total Smoking Bans | 9th Institute Policy Conference United Nations Office for Project Services and the New Realities of the Middle East | The Moslem Riots Why We Owe Them Nothing | Boycotting Israel The Hypocrisies of Petty Narcissms | A Judge's Hanging The Lynching of Andrée Ruffo | Power Play Big Oil, Big Government, Big Fraud | Days of Drums Times of Treason | The "Responsibility to Protect" The U.N. Is Not Responsible and Canada Does Not Protect | A Time to Strive and Not To Yield BPW in the Media on Liberals,Lapierre and Leadership | A Political Mugging The Politics of Canada's Nixon | Julius Grey Attacks the New Prohibitionists Loi 112 Excessif et Paternaliste! | New Orleans Crisis and Challenge A Human Triumph of the Power of One | Sharia Justice Veiled Freedom | The Money Gap Andy Stern, Alan Greenspan and the Emerging Clash Over Economic Class | Hey State! Stay Out of Our Fate The Travesty of the Hotel Godin Affair | It Can Happen Here If You Don't Stand for Something You'll Fall for Anything | Just as Many Just as Mad A Citizen's Advice to the Ethics Commissioner | "Nothing Illegal" Says Counsel for Attorney-General A Top Ten List of Gomery Hypocrisy | After Chaoulli: Still In Critical Condition The Health-Care Crisis and the Crutch of the Courts | Justice for the Rev. Darryl Gray Stand Up In Solidarity | Dare To Call It Treason The Corbeil Allegations and the Oligarchy of Canadian Politics | Hope Conquers Dismay Jake Eberts Brings Gandhi's Message of Non-Violence to the Middle East | To Spend Oneself in a Worthy Cause The Arena of Dust and Sweat and Blood | Revenue Quebec Time For the Geese to Hiss | The Gomery Deception Complicity in the Corridors of Consequence | Never To Mirror What We Seek To Destroy Pre-Emptive Intelligence Not Preventive Controls | It's Time to Fix It The World's Meeting Place for Human Rights Leadership | Mandatory Backfire The Quality of Justice Strained | Illiberal Justice Low Limitation and Narrow Circumstance | Hey Canada! Can You Handle the Truth? | Unity and Community A Program for a True Alliance for Progress | Wal-Mart A Pharoah Who Knew Not Joseph | Wallenberg: Daring To Care The Imperative of Redemptive Rage | A Modern Blood Libel The Mohammed al-Durra Cover-Up | Voir la souffrance et tenter de la guérir Les citoyens répondent à la crise des enfants malades | The Marriage Reference Illiberal Democracy | A Catalyst for Conscience Canada, The U.N. and the China Trade | The Arrogance of the Asian Tiger When Will Enough Be Enough? | Big Brother- Canadian Style Too Much Law Too Little Justice | Globalization's Victims Let's Label the Exploiters | Dangerous Inmates Elmasry, Kathrada and the Plague of Illegitimate Orthodoxy | Organized Labour and Charest's Third Way The Danger of the Gaspesia Gambit | The Challenge of a National Stirring The Populist Vision of a New Political Plurality | A Nation Adrift The Chicoutimi Disaster The Tragedy of Unfulfilled Promise and Undefined Purpose
| Concordia's Capitulation The Paralysis of Reason | Ours Is To Reason Why Repairing the Chaos of Canada's Military Policies | Doesn't Anyone Get Angry Anymore? Our Ambivalence to the Insolence of Authority | A Reminder of Our Nation's Pride and Purpose A Day Aboard the HMCS Montreal | The Bank Emperors Aren't Wearing Any Clothes Straight Talk On Bank Mergers | On Public Revenues and Private Rights An Examination of the Tolerance of the Governed | Barbarians Within Our Gates The CRTC and the Intellectual Incoherence of Statist Faith | With One Voice For The Devastated of Darfour | "Know Your Rights-Just Say No" Conference on Seniors Rights Co-sponsored by the Institute | Five Pillars of Purpose Priorities for Planning in Defense and Security Policy | The Council for Community Conciliation: An Institute Initiative on Hate Crime A Challenge to the Courage of our Convictions and the Content of our Character | The Whistleblower and Our Leviathan of Oligarchy A Proposal for Legislative Action | BPW's Closing Address to the 20th CDA Congress on Foreign Affairs & Defence Policies "Canada's Hope":A Nation Standing Tall With A Leadership That Stands Up | The Neglect of the Elderly "Not Yet the Best to Be" A Visible Minority Besieged | 5th Institute Policy Conference: An Evening with Irshad Manji Opening Event of the Institute's Centre for Democratic Development | Democracy Without Borders The Institute's Centre for Democratic Development | Habitations Louis-Laberge 2500 Social Housing Units for Montreal | To Afflict the Comfortable and Comfort the Afflicted The Challenge of Hunger in a Free Society | Opening Address to the 4th Institute Policy Conference "Pourquoi Israël? Why Israel?" | Report on the 3rd Institute Policy Conference: James Woolsey on Security & Trade in the post-Iraq Era | "A Matter of Honor" Address to the 3rd Policy Conference of the Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal | The Signature of a Society: A Canadian Manifesto A Populist Agenda for the 21st Century | Remarks by The Honourable Gar Knutson, Secretary of State for Central & Eastern Europe and the Middle East An Historic Speech of Truth Unbridled by Timidity during the House Debate on Iraq | "Israel Assassin, Schecter Complice!": Prof.Stephen Schecter and UQAM Moral Relativism, Anti-Semitism & The Shame of Immoral Intellectual License | Aspects of Attack An Agenda for Alliances and Action | The Housing Crisis:An Historic Accord The Start of a Solution | The Politics of Immigration Approaches for Ministerial Intervention | Canada's Courage A Statement of the Spirit of the Nation | Israel Myths & Facts A Checklist for Media Accuracy | The Soldiers of Israel: The Frontline Defenders of the West Redemptive Acts of Courage and Conscience | Financement et Flexibilité La Gouvernement du Canada et les Programmes Destinés aux Organismes Communautaires, Culturels et Sociaux |
Economic & Social Policy
Foreign & Military Affairs
Think Tanks
What You Think About What We Do
"For my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset, And see the great Achilles whom we knew. Tho’ much is taken, much abides, One equal temper of heroic hearts yet strong in will; To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.” ~ Tennyson
----- Original Message -----
From: Lachlin McKinnon
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 3:42 PM
Subject: RE: Institute Food Banks-National Post
Beryl, this initiative of yours is great. It's impact will be terrific. Your work ensures the commonweal. Your model of working with unions advances the real logic that Quebec, having the strongest unions in Canada, also has the most generous ones. So maybe a few more unions in Canada, or in the U.S., or at a Wal-Mart nearest you would be in order....
Many in our country make a common “democratic” error. They call those who use government services“clients”. They are not "clients"; they are citizens, which is one more reason why it is in the public interest that their basic civil entitlements be safeguarded.
The work you are doing is excellent and you should be honoured for being a citizen making a significant commitment to the Public Good.
Lachlin McKinnon
Senior Advisor to the Governor General
From: Jennifer Tryon
Sent: May 12, 2005 4:27 PM To: 'Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal'
Hey... nice job on LCN. you're everywhere.
Jennifer Tryon
From: Democracy Watch Sent: June 15, 2005 11:04 AM To: Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal Subject: Re: Our talk. Importance: High
Hello Beryl,
It was good to talk with you and learn more about your organization and activities. I will look at your website more closely. As I mentioned to you, Democracy Watch (based in Ottawa) is seeking pro bono legal service for 10 matters (all of which will, I believe, result in systemic, positive changes/rulings that will benefit millions of Canadians and/or do a lot to clean up the federal government).
None of the matters involve huge cases with multiple witnesses etc. In fact, almost all of the matters involve only the interpretation of legal measure. Many of the matters involve federal politicians (mainly Liberals) and the federal government, and federal lobbyists, and a couple of the matters involve Canada's big banks.
If you can refer me to lawyers who you think may be interested in helping with such matters (and would not be conflicted out by other matters their firm deals with), I would appreciate it very much. It would be great if the people you refer me to are in Ottawa, as that makes it easier for everyone to work on the case, but if you know of people in Montreal or Toronto that will of course work for us as well.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Duff Conacher, Coordinator Democracy Watch
From: Naresh Raghubeer Sent: July 4, 2005 12:10 PM To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca
Hi Beryl,
As executive director, Canadian Coalition for Democracies (CCD), I wanted to meet with you to discuss the state of affairs in Canada and how we can provide support for each other's organization where possible.
To learn more about the CCD you can visit our website at www.CanadianCoalition.com
Would you kindly give me a call when you have a chance.
Best regards, Naresh Raghubeer Executive Director, Canadian Coalition for Democracies
From: Pdimitroff Sent: July 18, 2005 7:22 AM To: 'Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal' Subject: RE: Cheers
Dear Beryl!
I have followed your adventures with a great deal of interest; give ‘em hell, I say.
Take care, my friend. I have no idea when I will be in Canada next…sigh.
Peter Dimitroff
Country Director - Afghanistan
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
-----Original Message----- From: Pratte, Andre Sent: August 8, 2005 6:09 PM To: 'bpwajsmann@iapm.ca' Subject: La Presse
M. Wajsman,
J'ai lu l'excellent texte de J. Grey dans votre magazine Barricades. Je me demandais si vous m'autoriseriez à le reproduire dans La Presse, avec les crédits appropriés bien sûr.
André Pratte
Éditorialiste en chef
La Presse
From: Giunta, Diana Sent: August 12, 2005 1:09 PM To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca Subject: Publication Importance: High
Hi Beryl!
Just a quick note to thank you for your publication of “Barricades” that you sent Mr. Gray. I have passed it along to him today… It’s great reading. Thank you also for the piece on Peter Dimitroff – Mr. Gray sent him a personal congrats by email….
Best regards,
Diana Giunta
Executive Assistant to
The Right Honourable Herb Gray, P.C., C.C., Q.C.
Chair, Canadian Section
International Joint Commission
From: Democracy Watch Sent: August 12, 2005 2:39 PM To: Institute for Public Affairs
Hi Beryl,
Thank you for your message. The magazine looks great!
Take care and bye for now, Duff Conacher
Democracy Watch
-----Original Message----- From: Brian Thompson Sent: August 19, 2005 1:46 PM To: Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal Subject: Re: BPW OP-ED: A DEATH IN A NAKED CITY
Dear Beryl:
Excellent piece. Judi admires your writing style.
We would love to post it tomorrow.
Do you by chance have a picture of you?
Brian Thompson
From: Josee.Ross@Quebecor.com Sent: August 19, 2005 8:32 AM To: Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal Subject: RE BPW OP-ED: A DEATH IN A NAKED CITY
Hello Mr. Wajsman,
This was a great article and you are right, Mr. Bertolo's death demands justice.
I hope we catch them.
Josée Ross
Executive Assistant to the Chairman
-----Original Message-----
From: Montefiore Club
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 15:47:02
Beryl, I checked out your website and your articles are very interesting. I enjoyed your writing. One of my many tasks at the Montefiore Club is organizing events. Perhaps we could discuss a future 'political' event with your participation. A political panel could be interesting. I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Chantal Clabrough
Membership Services Manager
Gérante Services aux Membres
Montefiore Club
----- Original Message -----
From: Kenny, Sen.Colin
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 3:34 PM
Subject: RE: Photo
Hi Beryl,
Many thanks for the picture, paper, and clippings.
I very much enjoyed the cruise. "Once in a lifetime!"
Sen.Colin Kenny
----- Original Message -----
To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 4:19 PM
Subject: RE: A Reminder of our Nation’s Purpose
Beryl –
Great article on our nation's purpose.
Capt. (N) Kelly Williams
Director of Maritime Strategy
From: Nynke Wijnalda
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 12:27 PM
Hello Beryl,
As I told you I am part of the organizing committee of the gala for the 50th anniversary of UNICEF Canada. I just spoke with the President of the UNICEF gala committee. Would you be interested in being president of honour for this Gala? The President will send you a letter with information on the role of the president of honour today.
Look forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,
Nynke Wijnalda
Dear Beryl,
Your excellent organizational skills and ability to bring such a select group of leaders together was greatly appreciated. It is always a pleasure to work with you and I would be very pleased to see you elected to the House of Commons one day.
The Hon. Gar Knutson
Secretary of State for Central & Eastern Europe and the Middle East
From: Charles S. Coffey
To: Beryl P. Wajsman, Institute for Public Affairs
Dear Beryl,
Thanks ever so much for showing such great leadership on such a critically important issue. Your help on our Rally for America was terrific. You are the best. You can be assured we will continue to fight on these issues and against any anti-Israeli or anti-Semitic acts. Keep up the fight…I for one am behind all of your initiatives…they contribute to a better Canada.
Charles S. Coffey
Executive Vice-President for Public Affairs & Government Relations
RBC Financial Group
From: Me. Stéphane J. Hébert
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 11:27 AM To: Institute for Public Affairs Re: TEN DAYS THAT SEAR OUR SOULS
Cher Beryl,
Une fois de plus, merci pour ce texte d'une grande richesse de mots et d'esprit. À l'approche de ce jour de commémoration de la libération du camp d'Auschwitz, je souhaite une fois de plus, que nos concitoyens prennent le temps d'aller visiter le Centre commémoratif de l'Holocauste à Montréal. Ce centre à l'instar de tous les autres témoignages illustre le refus de passer à l'oubli et nous avons comme devoir moral de s'assurer que nous n'oublierons jamais et ce, pour le plus grand bénéfice de l'humanité et des générations à venir.
Il faut cependant garder l'espérance, car nous sommes tous appelés comme Niemoller, Wallenberg et King à participer à l'édification d'un monde meilleur. Comme le dicte le "Lag Be-Omer", il faut batailler pour la liberté contre les forces obscures de l'oppression. C'est notre liberté, à nous de l'assumer.
À Bientôt,
Me. Stéphane J. Hébert
Beryl, I am impressed with your work and with your outspoken activism. Keep it up!
Thomas d'Aquino
Canadian Council of Chief Executives
From: Francis Fox
To: 'Beryl P. Wajsmann, Institute for Public Affairs'
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 3:34 PM
Subject: RE: Gov. George Ryan of Illinois: The Death Penalty &Criminal Justice Reform
The piece on capital punishment was excellent. I have long shared Camus' view that the state proceeding with an execution was indeed acting in a more despicable way than the murderer.
Francis Fox
----- Original Message -----
From: Caroline Savic
To: 'Institute for Public Affairs'
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 4:40 PM
Dear Beryl,
BRAVO on your comments. I agree with you 100%.
Take care and hopefully see you soon.
Caroline Savic
President, Women's Commission
Liberal Party of Canada (Québec)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gallagher, Michael F"
To: "'Institute for Public Affairs'"
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 9:38 AM
Subject: RE: Conference
Beryl, thanks for inviting me to your Conference. It was a great day . It was a trip worth making.
See you soon.
Michael F. Gallagher,Minister-Counselor
Embassy of the United States of America
Maj.-Gen. (ret.) Lewis W. Mackenzie
From: Lewis MacKenzie
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 10:10 PM To: 'Institute for Public Affairs' Subject: RE: WALLENBERG: DARING TO CARE-THE IMPERATIVE OF REDEMPTIVE RAGE
A brilliant speech that touches on a multitude of ills. It’s a good thing I didn’t have your script before I left for Ohio as it would have provided me with too much outstanding material to cram into an hour. Oh to be really proud of my country just one more time before the Last Post sounds. Congratulations-it must have been emotionally difficult to write.
Maj.-Gen. (ret.) Lewis Mackenzie
----- Original Message -----
From: "Blaikie, Bill - Riding 1"
To: <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: The Neglect of the Elderly-"Not the Best to Be" : A Visible
Minority Besieged
Dear Beryl,
A belated thanks for the article on the neglect of the elderly. Boomers
would be well advised to take heed and address these issues now. Keep up
the good work.
Bill Blaikie, M.P.
From: Jerry Goodman
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 11:07 AM To: Institute for Public Affairs Subject: RE: BUSH IS NOT AN AMERICAN CAESAR
Beryl: I will call JJ on this. I am also sending it to some people who are harsh critics of Bush's foreign policy positions. You have helped put some of the issues in a context that suggests those critics might want to reassess their views.
Jerry Goodman
Executive Director
National Committee for Labor Israel
New York
----- Original Message -----
From: "Moses, AE"
To: "'Institute for Public Affairs'" <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 11:26 AM
Beryl, your recent events were outstanding! Very illuminating for this relative outsider. I learned a lot.
Many thanks.
Albert E. Moses
Consul-General of the Netherlands
----- Original Message -----
To: <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 9:55 AM
An Examination of the Tolerance of the Governed
Beryl, as always, I found your lucid analysis stimulating and thought provoking. It is always useful to return, as you have done, to the fundamental principles underpinning the system of a free and democratic post-modern capitalist society.
Maj.-Gen. Douglas L. Dempster
Director of Strategic Planning
Canadian Forces
Je viens d'aller à votre site; je suis flattée et honorée d'y voir mes textes.
Bravo au “magnetic Beryl Wajsman”. Milles mercies pour tout ton travail.
Prof. Annette Paquot
From: "Édith Ducharme"
To: "Institute for Public Affairs" <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 2:57 PM
Subject: Réf. : Québec-Israel Institute lunch
It was a great pleasure to have a chance to share lunch with such an interesting group. I found that the discussion was open and the opinions enriching. I thank you for your invitation. Édith Ducharme CDP Capital
Beryl, I salute you with great admiration for your work.
Bill Shore
Executive Director
Share Our Strength
Washington, D.C.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Laberge, Danielle"
To: "'Institute for Public Affairs'" <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 2:13 PM
Cher Beryl,
J'ai été ravie par notre rencontre de lundi au club St-Denis. Un grand merci de m'avoir invitée. Je serai ravie de poursuivre la collaboration avec l’Institut. De plus, j'ai confirmé à l'ambassadeur M. Attali que je serais heureuse de poursuivre nos projets d'échanges autour de questions universitaires. Je me permets de vous souhaiter un bel été.
Danielle Laberge Vice-rectrice à l'enseignement, à la recherche et à la création UQAM
Cher M. Wajsman,
J'aime beaucoup ce que vous faites. Je pense que nous devrions travailler ensemble.
Prof. Jean-Charles Chebat
Chair de commerce Omer DeSerres
Vice-président de l”Academie des Sciences du Canada
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 9:22 PM
Subject: Re: Charbonneau & The Middle East
I agree completely with your sentiments. Politicians have traded on the demographics and tensions created by Canada's largely-uncontrolled immigration and refugee system. Mr. Charbonneau is a most modest manifestation of what is to come. Munich to Auschwitz, indeed. Be assured, Beryl, I'll continue to do what I can. One starting point would be responsible agitation amongst those who are most immediately vulnerable to fundamentalist threats.
I also wanted to say that I have looked carefully at your Institute web site, and was extremely impressed by your Concordia-Netanyahu piece. I have been exerting myself to bring home the ominous message of that disgraceful episode, and was proud to see that someone had spoken so eloquently for Canada, in its aftermath.
Best regards,
David B. Harris B.A., Grad. Dipl. Pub. Admin., M.A., M.S.F.S., LL.B., Of the Bar of Ontario President, INSIGNIS Strategic Research Inc.; Director, INSIGNIS International and Terrorist Intelligence Program
From: Stephen Schecter
To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: An Historic Meeting of Québec & Israeli Leaders
Beryl, I congratulate you for doing what you do, since one never knows when hearts and ears and minds will open. All the best and thanks for helping me.
Prof. Stephen Schecter
Votre site est absolument fabuleux. Merci de nous faciliter le travail de manière si constructive.
Evelyne Abitbol
Public Affairs & Government Relations
Concordia University
From: "Watson Dale"
To: "Institute for Public Affairs" <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 10:37 AM
Beryl, I really enjoyed the Conference. I want you to be in the arena. Feel free to give out my e-mail address. If I can help you in any way, please give me a call.
Dale L. Watson
----- Original Message -----
From: Steven Slimovitch
To: 'Institute for Public Affairs'
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 12:00 PM
Excellent piece on free speech and Concordia.
Me. Steven G. Slimovitch
Counsel, B’nai B’rith League for Human Rights
Dear Beryl,
Your work is great. It should be on the front page of every paper in the country. The Institute will increasingly be seen as one of the few organizations that are not afraid to speak out, to lead, to challenge and also to put forward consistent morally based images and ideas for the benefit of the country and the well-being of its people. You are to be admired for your clarity and courage.
John F. Angus
Dear Beryl,
It is with deep appreciation that I thank you for your generosity of spirit in supporting the scholarship fund at McGill. I am very proud of the work you are doing. It is a great education for many Canadians.
Sen. Sheila Finestone
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Nicol"
To: <bpwajsmann@iapm.ca>
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 7:55 AM
Subject: Institute
Dear Beryl,
Great seeing your office, and hooking up again. I admire your work, your opinions, and your spirit. I like finding people who care. You always raise the bar a little bit. Raise the standards, raise the level of public acceptability. I see you doing that in spades. Take care,
John Nicol
P.S. I've enjoyed each of your pieces I’ve read. Keep going...
-----original message-----
Excellent! If you come to Toronto you can meet the editorial board.
Jonathan Kay
Comment Editor
National Post
I think that the Institute is doing a job that nobody else is doing in Québec. Whatever help you may ever need you may count on me.
Alain Jean-Bart
----- Original Message -----
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 9:24 AM
Thank you for everything Beryl! Most sincerely for all the important work you do for us.
Clement Bergeron
From: Amb. Andrés Rozental
To: 'Beryl P. Wajsmann, Institute for Public Affairs'
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 10:17 AM
Subject: RE: Your Remarks at NAFINA/Amb. Paul Cellucci
Dear Beryl,
I am pleased that there has been a good response to the idea of an energy solution to the cohesion fund idea and hope that in the coming months we can put a little more flesh on the proposal. I hope to see you at our Monterrey NAFI Conference next year.
Amb. Andrés Rozental
Mexico City
From: Raul Rodriguez
To: 'Beryl P. Wajsmann, Institute for Public Affairs'
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 6:07 PM
Subject: RE: NAFINA
Many thanks, Beryl.
You are very generous and I thank you for including me. I trust I will have the opportunity to see you again soon.
Raúl Rodriguez, President
North American Development Bank
Well done Beryl, de la pensée à l'action, sans oublier la sensation.
Francios H. Bellido, Ph.D., Président
SGF Santé
From: "Toni Cochand"
To:” beryl wajsmann" <bpwajsmann@mobile.rogers.com>
You are wonderful! I agree with you. If we can teach our children what it takes to have a healthy community, to take responsibility for the weak, the old, and the needy....then there is a future for mankind.
Thank you.
Toni Cochand
Executive Director
Dans La Rue
Hello Beryl,
I was pleased to hear from you.
I have read your article. It is excellent.
Shanah Tovah to you and those you love.
.Jacques Saada
Député fédéral de Brossard - La Prairie
Federal M.P. for Brossard - La Prairie
From: Parisella, John
To: 'Institute for Public Affairs'
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 4:06 PM
Subject: RE: Islamic Iconography: One Faith, One State
Dear Beryl,
Thanks for this. You know I share your objectives and
your battle against all forms of injustice and racism.
John Parisella
From: Kathleen Weil
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 9:37 AM
Subject: RE: Institute-National Post
Hi Beryl
Congratulations to you for this amazing an successful initiative and thank you for the very interesting piece on Peter Bergson. Well written and well documented as with the Colavecchio article.
Best wishes for the New Year.
Kathleen Weil
Executive Director
Foundation for Greater Montreal
From: Nicholas Tetrault
To: Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 11:54 AM
Beryl what can I do to help you? Félicitations pour tout ce que tu fais, cela m'impressionne!
Monsieur Nicolas TETRAULT Conseiller municipal, Plateau Mont-Royal
----- Original Message -----
From: Amb. Anthony Quainton
To: Beryl P. Wajsmann, Institute for Public Affairs
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 11:32 AM
Dear Beryl:
Thank you for your kind words at the Conference. I would be delighted to participate in any future event. The Institute does excellent work. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
Amb. Anthony C.E. Quainton
National Policy Association
Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr. Wajsman,
Your generosity to the "Lawyers Feed the Hungry" program is very much appreciated by the Law Society and the legal profession in Ontario.
Robert P. Armstrong
Law Society of Upper Canada
----- Original Message -----
From: Shoel Silver
To: 'Institute for Public Affairs'
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 4:37 PM
Superb! You are without a doubt a tool of the Devil.
On a separate but related matter, best of luck with the conference.
Shoel Silver
Chairman and CEO
The Metrontario Group
To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 10:41 AM
Dear Beryl,
I have become very intrigued by the magnitude of your vision. Would you be available to be a guest on my radio program on CJAD Sundays from 6-7Pm.
Father John Walsh
From: Kirsten Bell
To: bpwajsmann@iapm.ca
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2004 7:56 PM
Subject: Canada in the World
Dear Mr. Wajsman,
I am a producer with CHQR AM 770 in Calgary, Alberta. I am writing to you to ask if you would be willing to speak on a live radio show (The World Tonight) to discuss your view of Canada. Having recently received "Canada in The World: The Restoration of our National Pride and Purpose" I believe that you could provide our show with a compelling discussion on Canada's identity.
Thank you in advance, Kirsten Bell Producer "The World Tonight" CHQR AM 770
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